I am getting the exact same errors. This is what I did so far to resolve the problem without success I double-checked the wires to make sure the touch probe is wired correctly and no insulation is in the way. I unplugged everything except the power supply and Black Box and they are mounted on wood so there cannot be stray dc voltage. I reinstalled OpenBuild Control (1.0.237). Checked the continuity on all the touch probe wires from plug to plug. Checked for shorts across touch probe wires. Relocated touch probe wires away from other wires. The spindle will move to the center of the touch pad then error out or will try to drill a hole in the touch pad then error out. One other thing, should the touch probe light be on (Black Box) when plugged in but not in use? Thanks for any help you can give
No. That indicates the blue wire (magnet) is finding a way to GND via the spindle (before it touches the plate) Measure continuity with multimeter between GND and the endmill. You do not want continuity there. If you do, fix that. Isolate spindle body/collet from DC GND. Nevermind the probe, DC coupling all that RF noise from the spindle to DC GND will lead to EMI issues or even damage your electronics. Note spindle body should be EARTHED but despite sounding similar, Earth and Gnd are two very different things
I changed computers yesterday and everything worked. I don't know why that would have anything to do with the problem I was having. But now... for some reason my Black Box stopped working all together today. I can not do anything with the Black Box All motors are locked up even though $1 was set to 200 Can not move any axes or turn the spindle on I can not update the Black Box The green power light is on USB is connected Motors show enabled I have re-powered everything several times
This is what I get when I connect to BB [18:13:45] [ $$ ] ok [18:13:45] [ $I ] [VER:1.1g.20181112:LEADMACHINE1010] [18:13:46] [ $I ] [OPT:V,15,128] [18:13:46] [ $I ] ok [18:13:48] [ connect ] Firmware Detected: grbl version 1.1g on COM5
Yahoo! I figured it out I chose Workbee 1010 and it let me save to firmware Then I went back to Lead 1010 and saved Everything works including the XYZ Touch Probe I do not know why the Dell laptop worked and the HP desk top did not. Even mobile jog works
I had a similar problem that I just identified: my external LCD display is somehow providing the continuity that Peter described above. After probing around with a multimeter I was able to eliminate the VFD and the 24V power supply out of the equation, and substituted in a laptop to eliminate the computer. Everything ran fine on the laptop, regardless of running on battery or the mains. But when I attempted to plug that same display in to the laptop, the problem came back. At this point I don't know if the problem is with my display or if I have a poorly made HDMI-to-DVI cable. (The display is a Dell and has a grounded AC plug and the cable is a no-name Amazon special, so I have my suspicions.) But at this point I think I'm just going to use this laptop going forward and take that whole desktop setup out of the equation. Hopefully this post helps others with their troubleshooting.