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Received the New Brain Board... Still won't connect

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by MrPeabody, Jun 13, 2020.

  1. MrPeabody

    MrPeabody New

    Feb 28, 2020
    Likes Received:
    I finally received the new brain board and reassembled it last night. Started fresh today and plugged in the motors only. Haven't wired up the new openbuilds limit switches yet. One thing at a time.
    I reinstalled the drivers on Windows 10 & 7.
    Started with windows 10 and it won't connect. "Waiting on USB" select connect and nothing.
    Switched to 7 and get the same thing. Tried different usb cables, same thing. I do get an error in 7 that says "usb device not recognized". When I open that error message It says "Unknown USB Device"
    Read some more here and disconnected the power supply and just contented the usb. Still nada.
    I have power to the motors. I even unplugged these to test the BB. No difference.

    Should I flash the new brain board?


    There is a little USB emblem near the power switch on the side of the BB. Should that be lit up? If it's suppose to be lit - it's not. Looked all though the docs and videos and I didn't see where that was discussed.

    Could I have fried it when I made the mistake of wiring the cheap limit switches from before and need to replace the other board?

    History - No Supported Firmware Detected

    I don't know what else to try other than flashing the BB. I just was hoping to get some thoughts before I pull that last trigger. I'm kind at my wits end.
    BTW - Thanks to Rachel for her patience and prompt service in getting me the new board and switches.
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Never. It comes preflashed.

    Not until its connected. Those indicators show rx/tx traffic once things are actually happening

    Disassemble it, connecting JUST the Brains - via USB (no muscle, nothing else) and try connecting to it.

    If that doesnt work, borrow a buddies computer for a test
  3. MrPeabody

    MrPeabody New

    Feb 28, 2020
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    Thanks Peter. I'll give it go a little later today. Have to go help a friend.
  4. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Take the board with, the friend might have a PC (;
  5. MrPeabody

    MrPeabody New

    Feb 28, 2020
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    So I took it apart and removed it's brain. Didn't know I needed to be a brain surgeon. I tried it on another laptop. The 2 led's on the board light up on all three computers. But I've still had the same result.
    Took a screen shot of the error from windows 7. So I figured I give it one last try on 10.

    It connected! It's voodoo I tell ya! Appropriate name "blackbox". :) More like black magic. There are 2 led's flashing that weren't doing that before. I didn't make any changes to the windows setting, I just don't get it.

    Ok so I'm half way there. I think. I'll put Frankenstein's brain back in and give it try. :)
    I wish I understood electronics better. 40 years of mechanical design of all kinds of crap and electronics still stumps me.
    Peter I appreciate the guidance. I hope when it goes back together all is good.

    Attached Files:

  6. MrPeabody

    MrPeabody New

    Feb 28, 2020
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    Put it back together and hooked it up but not to the machine. It connected. Really good news. Tomorrow I'll connect the power supply and see if it connects.

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