- Last Activity:
- Aug 13, 2017 at 11:02 AM
- Joined:
- Jul 10, 2016
- Messages:
- 1
- Likes Received:
- 0
- Trophy Points:
- 1
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Alabama
- Occupation:
- Retired from Health Administration
New, Male, from Alabama
Studying, watching, listening, learning, preparing to build my own CNC and 3D printer Jul 10, 2016
- pooroldplowboy was last seen:
- Aug 13, 2017
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Graduate of Auburn University. Married 36 years to my beautiful wife. Have two beautiful and talented daughters. My hobbies have been computers since 1970, gardening lifelong, CNC since about 2006, 3D printing ever since it started. I am an electronic tinkerer, make my own boards, build my own power supplies, etc. I am all self taught except for one computer course in 1970 which hooked me for life. I use microcontrollers and have mostly programmed in Basic and also Arduino IDE, but am teaching myself C language at present to program Atmel chips outside of the Arduino environment for faster program execution.I will shut up I know I am boring even myself, I sound like an over inflated ego writing but I am basically a nice country boy who move to the city and loved the electric lights and running water
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