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Robert Hummel
Last Activity:
1y 40w ago
Nov 14, 2013
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Emergency Power Technician

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Robert Hummel

Custom Builder, Male, from Toronto


I'm working as fast as I can, each board takes time due to the amount of holes needing drilling. Jan 3, 2015

Robert Hummel was last seen:
Jun 3, 2023
    1. Richard Wisniewski
      Richard Wisniewski
      Hi Rob I live in Toronto as well. I have some specific questions on accuracy on large machines. I am also looking for help please msg me if you have the time
    2. Richard McCaskill
      Richard McCaskill
      Is it possible to get your Sketchup files for the build of the RC motor spindle build? I want to build one to cut down the noise of the spindle on my home built CNC router. Great work.
    3. Hariharan K
      Hariharan K
      HI Robert, i have trouble in plotting a circle in OX cnc xprov2, Please help me out
    4. tonywish
      Robert,I have an existing cnc, however I can't retrofit because of data incompatability. I have decided to do a kit. Which build for a good stable laser would you reccomend me starting with. I would like as large as I can with at least a 5 watt laser head. I would like to operate it with my laptop.
      Tony in Colorado
    5. danico
      Hi Robert, am really impressed with your OX Al design - are you still producing the kits?
    6. Tom Legrady
      Tom Legrady
      Hey, Robert. Are there any social groups in toronto to discuss ideas and learn how-to?
      1. Robert Hummel
        Robert Hummel
        Not that I know of, what is it your looking to learn?
        You have come to the right place regarding hobbyist :)
        Mar 7, 2015
        John kent likes this.
    7. Senthilnathan
      Hello ,

      I want to learn Robert please advise me ware i can learn G-Code
    8. Alex272
      Hi Robert, I saw your Alu 3D printer with the lead screws, looks a great job!
      I' d like to know what speed and what resolution have you reached with the screws from Openbuilds.
    9. Mohamed Aly
      Mohamed Aly
      Great effort man. I have a question. Is it possible to send me the full schematic of your board. I want to build one but i can't find the full circuit schematics. Thanks
    10. Robert Hummel
      Robert Hummel
      I'm working as fast as I can, each board takes time due to the amount of holes needing drilling.
    11. gailenjensen
      Hi Robert. I am brand new to Arduino, steppers, etc. and really like your Laser V build. Since I am so new to all of this, I have questions. I have two cheap steppers and controller boards that I want to try using for a cutter, etcher build with an Arduino nano and need to know what pins did you use for yours, will it work without typing in a complete sketch, things like that?,
      1. View previous comments...
      2. gailenjensen
        Back again Robert. How do the pins from the Arduino to the motor driver get assigned? I see from your prior comment what pins go to where. Does the g-code make that decision or is it through the grbl file?
        Jan 6, 2015
      3. Robert Hummel
        Robert Hummel
        Pin assignment is done through the configuration file.
        You pick the pin layout as you want and then set them.
        Then compile the hex and upload it to your arduino
        You can use my hex but it is compiled from ver .7
        The pin out for my hex is in the build log
        Jan 6, 2015
      4. gailenjensen
        Thanks. If you don't mind could I get a copy of the sketch you compiled and uploaded. It'll give me a better idea of what to do.
        gailenjensen at gmail dot com
        Jan 7, 2015
    12. Robert Hummel
      Robert Hummel
      Back on track!
    13. Rhinofart
      Thanks Robert!! Easiest would be in my Drop Box. It's the one labelled Rigid mount, and it's in Sketchup 2015 format.

      I would need 2 sets of these. I would like a pair at the top, and bottom of the router shaft. Do you have the ability to drill a hole at the offsets for the 20x60 Z Axis mount, and then for the 2 to be joined together?
    14. Rhinofart
      Hey Robert. I've designed a set of mounts for my OX that will fit my Rigid hand router. Would you like the Sketchup or Gcode file so as to make them out of something a little more sturdy than 3/4" MDF which until I get a more solid mount on my system is about all I'm able to cut right now. Would you be able to quote me how much it would be?
      1. Robert Hummel
        Robert Hummel
        Not a problem, shoot me the file, it must be in a sketchup format
        Nov 30, 2014
    15. Robert Hummel
      Robert Hummel
      Cooling pump melt down errrrrr BRB it's time for some repair work ;)
    16. hellracer
      Hi Robert,
      Would you make me a quote for an OX AI kit shipped to PQ J6Z
      1. Robert Hummel
        Robert Hummel
        Pm me your mailing address and I will see what I can do, looks like a UK code but I'm not sure
        Nov 16, 2014
      2. hellracer
        I'm in Quebec, very close to Montreal j6z4h9, I've not figured yet How to send PM...maybe I just Can't?
        Nov 16, 2014
    17. Karl Ahlund
      Karl Ahlund
      Hi! I was wondering how your LD3X is coming along, i missed the LD2x and am itching to start my build.
      1. Robert Hummel
        Robert Hummel
        They are in the works, components are out by a week on shipping
        Won't be long now :)
        Nov 2, 2014
      2. Karl Ahlund
        Karl Ahlund
        Fantastic! I was hoping for before Christmas. How limited will the first run be?
        Nov 2, 2014
    18. Jean-Francois Talbot
      Jean-Francois Talbot
      Robert, I`d go for a kit when you are done. I live in QC. Let me know. Thanxs.
    19. Cnctrains
      Robert Can you please advise time, costs and shipping for a set of plates to B.C. for the OX
    20. John Edwards
      John Edwards
      Hey Robert. I'm interested in the plates too. Your OX looks fantastic. Is there a chance you could give me a quote with shipping to Alvinston (it's near London) Ontario?
    21. Anthony Perry
      Anthony Perry
      Robert I would like to get a quote for the plates shipped to Alabama USA
      1. Robert Hummel
        Robert Hummel
        I'm super busy but I will send you a PM
        Sep 25, 2014
    22. Kevin Roskam
      Kevin Roskam
      Are these plates the same as the ones Mark used in his build? Are they made from Garolite?
      1. Robert Hummel
        Robert Hummel
        Yes they are his files with my own personal touch.

        Plates are 6061 Aluminum
        Sep 10, 2014
    23. Paruk
      Hi Robert, can you quote me on the OX aluminum plates? Shipping to Thailand. Thanks in advance.
    24. Franco Ponticelli
      Franco Ponticelli
    25. Mrnice
      I would like to order the Kit, please email the details (Sweden)

      Main 4 plates with belt clips/M3 hardware
      Custom end plates with belt clips/M3 hardware
      Z Axis plates with 608zz bearings, universal mounting NEMA 17/23
      3 Nema 23 motor spacers milled from cast acrylic "RED"
      Name plate/brace
      4 x M5 x 65 mm bolts for X carriage
    26. Lee Wen Lung
      Lee Wen Lung
      Hi Robert, would like to have your OX AL plates for Nema23 all axis, please email me in details, appreciate if you reply, Tks.
    27. GrayUK
      Hey! Hope you haven't been too bad!!

      It's not overwork I hope.

    28. Robert Hummel
      Robert Hummel
      On the mend and slowly back on track
    29. GrayUK
      Hi Robert.
      How is the "Gantry Plate complete set" coming on? Do you still have me down for a full set?
      Any idea of completion time?

      1. Robert Hummel
        Robert Hummel
        Kits will be done soon just getting back into the grove, then it's just a matter of cleaning them up and packaging :)
        Jul 26, 2014
    30. Robert Hummel
      Robert Hummel
      Out standing parts shipped today along with all care packages, keep an eye out people
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