Thanks a lot! Very helpful for my project which saves a lot of CAD time.

Solidworks 2014 Parts Library 1.6
Complete set of OpenBuilds parts
laurent Besseas
- 5/5,
Wonderfull job but can somebody explain me how to find if this version 1.6 is up to date?
I'm lost as there is no repository for the version build. -
- 5/5,
Thanks! These are REALLY helpful. Some observations from my use: 1 - the timing pulleys don't have ridges when imported to Fusion 360 - I think it is in the source, but it may be a Fusion thing. 2 - the assemblies won't import, apparently due to absolute file paths in the references to the component parts on your development drive. That may also be a fusion thing - not sure if they'll import to Solid Works. 3 - Since Fusion 360 is rapidly becoming the preferred free software for home/small business use now that Sketchup isn't free, would you be willing to look in to an official Fusion Library? I think you could import your Solidworks library and add a few folders and tweaks and then just link it from the AD cloud. I already did that, but it has the above problems with a few part details and the assemblies. 4- finally, could we get Solidworks or Fusion 360 models for the full machine kits? I have the Sketchup one for my Acro, but a SW or Fusion one would be much more useful since Sketchup imports to Fusion as mesh that isn't easily editable.
Jet Jaguar
- 4/5,
The V-Slot Gantry Plate 20-80mm.PDF file is not accurate according to my measurements.
- 5/5,
Downloaded the Library to use in Fusion 360. Will be a great help in planning a CNC router build. Thanks Rob.
Alan Gibson
- 5/5,
Awesome work.
I've found one problem though. When trying to import Linear Actuator End Mount into OnShape, the import fails with "The following 1 parts failed validation and could not be imported: 1 unnamed". I'd much appreciate if you could fix this, as I don't have a copy of SolidWorks.-
Author's Response
Sorry for the late reply. I have no experience with OnShape, so I probably won't be much help. Does this occur with other parts as well? Can you import STEP or IGES files into OnShape?
- 5/5,
Hi Rob. Great job!! You help a lot of people to save many many hours with our designs. Thank you very much!!! ;)
Bullseye Body
- 4/5,
I successfully loaded the file into Solidworks 2016, however each time I select a component to add to the drawing, I continue to receive multiple errors stating "Could not load Solidworks DLL: " and gives multiple file names all ending in .dll after that warning message. Could you please let me know if that's an error on my part? The entire library loads correctly into Solidworks and appears in the design library at the right pane, but once a component is clicked and appears in the drawing pane, that's when the errors began to occur and the only way to stop them no matter what you click, is to "X" out of the drawing.
Jason Kraft
- 4/5,
This is almost perfect, but I'm having trouble seeing the M5 low profile 10mm screw. It's appearing invisible for some reason. Not sure if this is something stupid I'm doing in Solidworks or if it's an issue with the part itself.
Author's Response
I'm not sure what would be causing this. I was just recently using these screws in an assembly and they showed up fine. I have seen situations where you accidentally change a parts display properties in the feature manager, and it can be very disconcerting.
- 5/5,
You have an error I found with the V-Slot material as it is listed (I only checked the 20x20x1M) as 6061-T6(SS) but in the store it is listed as "OpenBuilds V-Slot is made with 6063 T-5 Aluminum Extrusion" and that is a big difference if someone needs to run any simulations.
Author's Response
I can change the material, but the difference is not as significant as you might think. The ultimate tensile strength is quite different because of the temper, but I sure hope nobody is designing their builds anywhere near the breaking point of the extrusion. Most people would instead be concerned with deflection values, which depends on the Elastic modulus. For these two alloys, the elastic modulus is identical.
- 4/5,
Unfortunately THIS newbie needs a little help getting this whole library into solidworks.
I know how to add individual parts that I have created to an existing library and not much else. Some general guidance on how to import this whole library "all at once" would be useful.
but mostly THANK YOU !!!,
I am very confident that this will be a great resource once I get it imported.-
Author's Response
You want to save the library to your hard drive, and then add this location to your Design Library in Solidworks. It's much easier to show this than describe it in words. I'll try and put an explanation on the overview page.
brigham valdez
- 4/5,
these parts look good but there is a major flaw that has followed every revision on the openbuilds parts. every time I have downloaded a new revision or update the design discrepancy is always present and I am able to print accurately until I make the change to all the extrusion profiles.
the round on the corners of all the extrusion profiles does not exist, the only way I have successfully printed a part that was able to slip over the profile is by removing he rounds completely and when carefully look at actual profile of the extrusion it is not a sharp corner but it is definitely not a large radius as in the models.-
Author's Response
You are correct that the 20mm extrusions have a very small radius on the external corners. These are quite difficult to measure accurately. If I am understanding your design correctly, I think you would be better off adding a corner relief in your parts, so any variation in the radius wouldn't matter. I'm sorry if this discrepancy caused you problems, but I think calling it a major flaw is a bit of an exaggeration.