- Software:
- software.openbuilds.com
- Machine Time:
- Ox 1000x1500
- Bit or Laser Size:
- 6mm Single Flute UpCut
- Materials:
- 19mm Shutterply, Paint, Hilties for Install, LED Strip and Controller
A friend of mine runs a little Self-catering cottage here in town (Karoo Heart). He asked me to make him a sign. They already had artwork, so I only did basic CAD work to size it, add screw holes, and split the Heart in two so it would fit onto my CNC (With half-lap joints created using pocket operations). Prepared all the GCODE in OpenBuilds CAM Gcode Creator - Public Beta and streamed to my machine using OpenBuilds Software
Unfortunately this project isn't going to be one of those "Go and make this one for yourself if you like" - I couldn't post the artwork files as its his property. But this should still inspire you to make something BIG even if your machine is not. With some clever planning, you can cut BIG things! Spread it out over a couple jobs!
I planned it to fit onto two sheets of 1200x2400mmx19mm Plywood:
(In reality I used a little more (2.6 sheets), didnt cut the "o"s and heart as planned, see the video)

Intermediate Signage For A Selfcatering Guesthouse In Beaufort-west, Za
Signs & Plaques Project created by Peter Van Der Walt, Jan 17, 2019
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