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Beginner Small Ribs Lamp Shade (rls)

  • Machine Type:
    Laser / Plasma
    Fusion / Slice
    Machine Time:
    Feeds & Speeds:
    3mm Ply
    Making stuff with ribs is always nice, for me its just like lego or similar. Hope you enjoy the video.

    This is a fairly simple process to learn. The basics are the foloing:

    - Get you interested shape, that can me an animal, vase, bowl or in this case a lamp shade. I designed my own in Fusion 360
    - Export it to Slice for Fusion 360. Here you'll need to choose:
    - Material thickness
    - Assembly type. I choose Radial.
    - Amount of slices, vertical and horizontal. I choose 2.
    -You can tweak direction of cut, location of ribs and slot type ( dog bone available )
    - Review manufacturing Settings
    - Review the cut sheets and then Export the files
    Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 7.09.24 AM.png

    At this point you cut the sheets base on the manufacturing style, Just make sure to mark each rib location for later assembly.

    Assembly is very straightforward, just add a little glue.

    IMPORTANT: The top circle center hole was modified for the socket size i have, you need to do so. In any case i have added the shape in stl so you can try it for yourselves.
    Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 7.09.24 AM.png 20180121_080458.jpg 20180122_074251.jpg

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  1. MaryD
    I bet that casts an interesting light
      Ariel Yahni likes this.
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