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Have you eliminated the possibility of EMI? Is your router grounded? Frame? Proper shielding, etc? I had problems with my MiniMill stopping...
For photos (at least), when you select "Upload a File", just select multiple files in the file browser window that opens. (At least that works on...
The center of your mini v-wheel is closer to the c-beam than the center of the v-wheel.
Nice build Lindsey! Nice mods! Couple of things: 1. Don't forget to change your build to "Build complete" before the end of February so you...
I use a dust shoe with my Makita that keeps the chips corralled pretty well: [ATTACH]
This was really a great build! I also really liked these profiles so have been keeping an eye out for them. For anyone from the USA stumbling on...
I made a slight (and optional) modification to the upper part of the shoe. The set-screws didn't work that well for me, so I replaced the holes...
I am currently building a similar table for my mill. My plan is to cut a spoiler the dimensions of my work piece, surfacing that flat, then...
I have a vacuum attached to the mill all the time, and that is sufficient for wood and aluminum. I have a small hand blower that I had to use...
I do need a bit more air to move the chips with acrylic. I probably should slow it down a bit, but I'm a bit lazy.....
I've never milled aluminium ;) , but I do use the same end mills for aluminum and acrylic. (I even use the same feeds/speeds.) It works OK for me.
All of the MMXL build videos have now been uploaded and are posted above: It's...
I have a quick question: Do I have to "enter" my build anywhere with a link, or say "This is my contest entry", etc? (Or does just posting the...
As far as I can tell by reading the rules, the "build" doesn't necessarily have to be a "machine". I would expect a fixture or some handy, unique...
Under the Cam -> Actions tab, when you select the Post Process option, do you have "Grbl" selected as your Post processor (as shown in the image)?...
Are you creating the circles in Fusion 360, or importing a design created with another program?
Since there has been some recent interest in this build, I have begun editing the several hours of build video I have. I will post each one as it...
That is the board I looked at. It has the atmel 328p chip (Arduino Nano), so that is the target you should use if flashing using the Arduino IDE....
You might try the Arduino IDE and download the grbl source code. Looks like the target would be Arduino Nano - Atmel 328P (if I'm looking at the...
It hasn't been an issue for me. I haven't had any trouble milling aluminum with it. The conversion really makes it like a C-Beam machine which...