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What controller are you using? Is the x driver overheating? Are the wheels binding on the x?
Gotta love review sites where the only reason the product is there with a "review" is that the "reviewer" gets paid for any purchases made by...
Rather than insulting the builder who was kind enough to share this, you should try reading. The app is in the "files and drawings" section...
Are there any loose grub screws on your lock collars, couplers, stepper, etc... Most of the time when people start missing steps, something is loose.
I was. You can see the wires feeding into the extrusion.
CO2 laser tubes are long and fragile. They also require high voltage and a water cooling system.
I thought there was only drag chain on one side of belt driven machines. The Y stepper wiring is fed from one side through the extrusion to the...
It is not an eBay site. The link above that he posted for the mount still works. Looking for a new spindle. It is $121. For a little more than...
I got it off eBay.
I just picked up a VERMONT GAGE (part number911225000) for xy zeroing. Then, like Alex, I reprobe z with the endmill. They are within...
I like the CA and tape method. I use it mostly for plastics. That way I do not need to use tabs. However, if cutting aluminum I will use these...
I would say you could get away with a non high torque on the z axis. I prefer lead screws vs belts so I would get the 1010. You will easily cut...
If you contact OpenBuilds at Contact Us Form they may be able to help with custom extrusion lengths. Just remember to add the width of the gantry...
Nice! I just got my rotary axis so it is time to start a CNC lathe build. WhataWhusing to generate Gcode for the rotary? I am using the lead high...
I built a torsion box that is very heavy and sturdy and fastened the frame to it. Lead Screw Driven Ox Derivative (850x1500) I mounted it on a...
Any 3D printer software is capable of moving the frame of a Cbeam sized machine, you just need larger stepper motors like the NEMA 23s Openbuilds...
If you try to build a machine that does all three things, it will not do anything great. If it were me, I would build a solid machine using Cbeam...
I believe, you set the depth of cut for each tool path when creating the tool path. You set depth per pass and final (total) depth. see arrow...
It looks like you are getting it dialed in for aluminum. One thing I have found is that using the largest diameter endmill you can gives faster,...
I prefer two flute/straight flute endmills for wood. They cut clean and do not chip out. This one has worked well for me, but is slightly...