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It's an idea. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was "great". ;) I have a co-worker that tells people to hear my ideas out. I have lots of them....
I used this 2x4-Basics-Workbench, and made my own 2x4s by laminating 3 layers of 1/2 inch (or maybe it was 5/8"?) plywood. It seems to be nearly...
I had a minor issue with my order. I was aware that many times emails from businesses get directed to my spam folder so I checked there and found...
While I have your attention, I noticed something weird when I set it up. On GRBL Panel I had my drivers (DQ542MA) set at 1/8 microstepping and...
And approximately 80mm more X.
And you can use it for free with little feature limitation. I am now trying it out, once I figure it all out - and if I like it - I will gladly...
First post in the thread lists sources.
No problem. I hope it ends up being a simple fix.
Geoff, that is truly a brilliant clamping system. I may try something similar.
Did any of your GRBL settings get changed? Did your units get changed in Easel (ie inches vs mm)? Did you calibrate your machine? Have you read...
If you open the files in sketchup and use the plugin discussed in the link below you can print out anything you want at exactly the rights scale....
My sander disk is 90 degrees to the table. I just make sure I hold them square to it as I sand them. It takes just a couple seconds for each. I...
What are your questions and what hardware are you using?
I just use my disk sander on the nubs. They sand right off nice and smooth.
Lead screws have better resolution, but are much slower. That is why the x and y on 3D printers and laser engravers are using belts.
I will PM you.
Here is the gcode for a simple 1/4 inch (6.35mm ) Square that took about a minute to make in Sketchup/Sketchucam. It has tabs. Open the g code and...
I will try to help. First, do not worry about limit switches. You can get away without them. Figure it out later after you have enjoyed cutting...
I love a nice beautiful solid wooden work bench like that one, but for my CNC I wanted to be as dimensionally stable as possible. That is why I...
Is there a loose connection anywhere between your ground and probe wires coming from your Xpro board? Some endmills/bits have coatings that may...