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Hi, Try the UGS 2.0 nightly build, this works better with GRBL 1.1 Ryan
Hi, Could i get a printout of your settings? Have you got one of our machines? Ryan
Hi, I am not sure to be honest, just seems strange for it to go so far off course so quickly. When you connect to the xPro, which version of GRBL...
Hi, I am not sure if this one has anything to do with feedrate settings etc. Because from your pictures that goes off course in the completely...
@Jestah Thanks for the info, i look forward to hearing from you!
Yes this spindle output it 0-5v on the xPro, if you see this build description there is more info. Ryan
Hi, 1. I would keep it at 48V, and it is very unlikely you can reduce the PSU to 24V with the onboard pot. I would stick with 2 PSUs one for the...
Yh i just had a look on RS, and couldn't find any suitable sized ones, that tab is 3.5x0.4mm, if i can think of anything else i will let you know.
Great, sorry about the mistakes :banghead: We got it right in the end. It is always good to have a little room around the edge to mount some...
That could be the cause, on the new xPros $4 should be 1
You could do a roughing pass to remove the bulk of material, then come back through slower to tidy it up?
@Richard Watson ok, in the GRBL Settings have you got $4 set to 1?
@MplsArtist Thanks for answering the questions for me! Regarding the diode, if you have parts, then there is no harm in adding it. We don't...
Hi, From your feedrate i would say that is way too high, if i was doing that job i would start at around 1200mm/min. From a calculator i used to...
Yes it does, there is a guide on the JTech website on how to use one of their lasers with the xPro. The leds are to indicate the motors are...
Hi, On the v3, there is 3 columns 4 rows of jumpers all unsoldered. And when you take the board off the back it is pretty self explanatory what...
Hi Gareth, Great, glad you got it sorted. Ryan
Very true :banghead:
@Ryan Turner Just one for each cable nearest the source of noise. On the Double belt mod, if you have the bottom belt stuck down the whole way...
I usually say that when you turn each wheel you want it the point where you want some friction to be there. Regarding the noise, this could be...