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Probably did hook them up incorrectly, Im as green as green gets Building it was one thing, getting it programed correctly will be another, and...
Sad to say no,I've read so much on OB form it’s quite overwhelming sometimes. But I’m finding building was much easier then programming for me at...
Well they kind of work. I can trigger a switch. Reset the system trigger another, so it seams to be working. But when I activate the soft limits...
Well I feel stupid, this morning was looking at the wiring for the limit switches and notice used the incorrect capacitors they were not letting...
My CnC sheild says Protoneer V 3.0 on it But guessing that can be faked also
O and I’ve tried AO and AC nothing is working
First off thank you for everyone who’s gotten this far. I’ve installed limit switches on both Y- Y+, X- X+, and Z+ first I wired them each to...
No it was just for the purpose of uploading to here
Look at that I actually made it do something LOL Of course it was only a simple simulation BUT WOW Thank you for the pointer and help :)
I think fusion360 is becoming my new friend so far been messing with it most of the day I found a video on making the gcode for openbuilds I’ll...
No I haven't theres a lot to take in but I will thanks for the link
Thank you Ill take a look as for Free Cad theres so many options for export its over whelming Still learning all this not sure what to look for I...
Could someone take a look at this I believe to be Gcode but to tell the truth Im still learning here, You all helped me get the driver thing...
So I spend the day trying this and trying that, nothing seems to work on the Y Axis. Until I came across a video where they wired 2 steppers to...
So I've messed around with the different steps on the drivers gotten the the Z, and the X running smoothly but the Y Ive tried every step setting...
So this is whats going on with the Axis Y+ runs smoothly Y- runs Very rough and one motor lag behind the other two much to just ignore X+ runs...
Ok so this morning all I did was retighten some wires double checked the wiring nothing really, and now the Y axis moves in both...
That didn't do anything everything looks good but LOL must not be o_O Thank you
Ok so I got it working for the most part. Motors are rough in one direction but not the other, cant figure out why the duel Y works fine traveling...
I believe I found it