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Proxies always slow you down and some will slow you down to less than 300 baud.
2080/2060/2040/2020 is what I have to cut so I am not looking forward to it.
Yep, that is what I use to hold stuff down those Irwin ones.
Did you cut more than one? The problem is getting them all the exact same length and true.
Very interesting indeed and that guy knows his work.
You mean to stand it up? Hmmm, that seems weird.
I figure I am going to screw up a lot as I can't cut straight by hand at all and if I can't after 40 years of trying I can safely say I can't...
In my design there is no room to err. Who knows I may come back for more and will need to cut more but the Diablo non ferrous blade is made to...
My printer I am about to build I need some odd lengths as well and all of them need to be cut straight and precisely the same length for all...
There are a lot of videos of various ages on YT to check out. It appears the woodworkers like it. I am almost sold on this as it includes a stop...
Well, I looked at a review of it (same chap was on the Amazon video for the chopsaw) and using the miter saw the aluminum cut was okay but not...
I wish more people had them because I only recently heard of them due to one of the channels on YT I watch as they gave him an evolution product....
I am torn because of the post below you. I already noticed on a few models their top speed was faster than the Diablo blade so was questioning that.
I have no idea so I am hoping some more will chime in on a comparison especially about the swarf and speeds etc..
I am not seeing how that Evolution is any different than what I showed. You would think that going slower would be in all of that marketing hype...
I am trying to figure out if a Ryobi 9 Amp 7-1/4 in. Compound Miter Saw with Laser would be enough to cut all sizes of VSlot or do I need the...
Nice, I would be exactly the same as the Prusa m5 allthread in all respects. Steps per mm will be 4000 using 16x microstepping and 2mm pitch acme...
Oh, so that is what possibly happened to something I ordered on AliExpress because it never left the China port and they kept telling me to wait...
16t is what I use as it has no errors involved in it so you do not have to account for Z height. The 8mm is the leadscrew so a 1:1 would be the...
I contacted every seller and none of them have the 16t 8mm bore so I must believe, especially since I can't find it anywhere else, that it was...