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Well, there are a few reports I have read that over time the sticky gives up and you get bubbles underneath and another reason I hate sticky. The...
I wish I could find something as slick as glass and something that doesn't require sticky tape like a PEI sheet does. I had a British person say...
Perfect and I would add that right after the M190 and before anything else. I figure 1m should be long enough to stabilize the temp across the bed.
I was thinking of doing that with another thermistor but how would I add this dwell time? Thomas Sanladerer on youtube added another thermistor...
Round Silicone Heater Bed 300mm 3M Adhesive 12v 270w-in Electric Heating Pads from Home & Garden on | Alibaba Group 250x250 117V...
As the video said it is about 8 amps and rapidly dissipates in under a microsecond so we feel it but it disappears so fast it doesn't kill us (the...
I know all of that already and my grounding is what caused me to get a spark that took out my old ramps. I replaced the fets but it was deeper so...
I agree but the down side is the live circuitry where anyone, or thing, might come in contact with it. If 24V shorts I get a few sparks but if...
I am weighing my options dimension: 250*250mm voltage: 110V Power: 400W Now that would go through a SSR and I would still need a PSU for the...
I tried a dual extruder on a FF clone and it simply isn't worth the trouble but YMMV.
Not even going to try it as too much work for too little gain. This 250watt will have to suffice I think.
The MOSFET I went to on the Ramps is rated @60A as the ones that was originally on the one that died was so hot with a MK2B that it melted the...
That is what I meant about the CF is the dust. What controller will allow more wattage as I don't want to SSR it and for a Ramps 1.4 at 24v...
I am scared of CF or I should say I am scared to drill it or cut it. Bad <stuff>. I am jealous as that is what I want is that plate. btw,...
Heck, even a HF 50 dollar "special" would be enough to do this job since CL is dead here for machines as people run them until too far gone and/or...
I am in Memphis, TN. I priced a single 1/4in (no shop does metric here and if you mention metric they get very hostile) aluminum Prusa I3 frame...
LOL, I 100% agree. Plate will run me around 20 dollars and the rest is their labor costs, etc... They will say it is because this is a one off...
It isn't the plate that is costing it is the 3 holes having to be drilled and countersunk.
I think I am going to go Ghetto on mine but will only require cuts. Now the tooling plate that is another story as I will have to buy a Drill...
I have looked everywhere but where would I find a large Y plate at? I can find the Prusa I3 Y plate size all over the place but what about ~300mm...