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I'm sorry. Current is limited/controlled by the driver. This is usually controlled through a dipswitch or trimpot. Since at 3A those drivers are...
Hi elee, I'll try to make this simple. For stepper driver power supplies you want to make sure the voltage is in range of the drivers. The current...
Been preaching this software for a while now. I usually link right to scorchworks directly. Other goodies from him too.
It varies. Some 17s are faster that 23s and vice versa. It depends on the physical construction of the motor, the power supplied, the load, and...
Mach4 is a nice product. I think they've ironed out a lot of the kinks in Mach3. It's pretty solid even if considered old school now.
Oh. Good to know. Can you use mach3?
I don't know about mach4, but with 3 Artsoft let you download, install, and set it up. The trial is limited to 500 lines of code and I think some...
Yeah. They're a little pricey on shipping, but you do get orders pretty quick. I like their motors. They're formerly known as Keling....
Automationtechnologiesinc I think they warranty for a year on the spindles. Mine has been solid. My vfd came from an electronics seller on eBay.
I haven't tried this, but I don't see why you can't do it to get up and running. You'll want to adjust the hardware to account for any change in...
Thanks. This reminded me that I need to source a led light ring for my 65mm spindle.
This I can't help with. It sounds like a com or board problem. I don't use GRBL. Try the "Ask GRBL questions here" thread or start another post.
I think GRBL is pretty compliant, so a generic 3 axis post will probably work alright too. Sonny Jeon would know more. You can ask him in the ask...
Yes. I believe there is a GRBL post processor. I haven't used GRBL in a couple of years, so I don't know if the post processor has any quirks or...
What machining and what CNC experience do you have? Do you have any CAD/CAM experience? Steel might be out of the question unless you're able to...
The post processer converts toolpath to gcode that is compatible with the control software(mostly).
What are Post Processors and how do I get them? - Autodesk Community
Are you using the GRBL post processor with Fusion?
Yeah. Depending on the work you do or plan to do 230 really works well. There's a lot of 220 shop equipment out there. You can by 3 phase...
I'd just like to mention for the sake of review and for noob readers that 1hp is about 746watts. 1000 watts is a kilowatt. A 1.5 kilowatt spindle...