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I have Sainsmart Coreption 300 3D printer. I have hard time trying to level the printer bed. The nuts in the knobs may be loose. The springs may...
I think that CMS Intellicad is the best AutoCAD compatible software.
Fusion 360 can import DXF and mesh files. I thought that Fusion 360 can't import DWG files but I found out that I have to upload DWG files to...
Since Autodesk sells AutoCAD for about $4000 a year, I have been trying to use AutoCAD compatible software such as IntelliCAD but these programs...
I tried to 3D-print a gas tank for a model car but I found out that the STL file had errors - self-intersecting surfaces found. I tried Simplify...
I 3D-printed a "router motor" that drops into my 3D-printed router mount. I 3D-printed a spring-loaded pen holder that goes inside the "router...
I 3D-printed the CNC pen holder shown at CNC pen holder by TadasM - Thingiverse and "drew" a rectangle on a piece of plywood. I think that the one...
I have a modified LEAD 1010 machine with Makita RT0701C router and CNC xpro 3 controller. How can I convert the machine to a pen plotter?
If I put a new router bit in the collet and run jobs for a few hours. How many hours or days should I replace bits? I was running a job and the...
Two times, small pieces of plywood get stuck between the X-Axis gantry and supports for the table and I try to home the machine. I think the alarm...
Home the machine and set Z-zero. If you have to change bits on a job, run first toolpath and WAIT until the router goes to home position. Change...
I have been using Fusion 360 for 2D drawing and 3D modeling. If I select sketch objects and use copy/move, I can't snap sketch objects to other...
Please don't use birch plywood and use MDF board.
Please don't use the spindle that came with the Chinese CNC router. The collet/chuck is piece of junk. Use a palm router like Dewalt DWP611 or...
Did you put tabs on the inlays when creating toolpaths? Maybe you set the cutting depth too deep and some of the tabs broke as the machine did the...
I got e-mail from Vectric telling me that VCarve 11.0 has been released. Is VCarve 11.0 worth upgrading from 10.5?
There is a way of checking to see if you need tabs. For example, I'm making a name sign. After creating toolpaths and inserting tabs in VCrave, I...
Is there a difference between ceramic coating and powder coating?
What about Makita RT0701C router?
If you're on Windows 10, Windows Defender usually block *.exe files if they are not signed by developers.