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Hey Jeff - I'm a bit confused by your post. Several places you only mention Z (and a Z probe tool) so I'm assuming that you only want to probe Z....
Also, if you plan on connecting via WIFI: 1 Go into grbl settings and set SSID and Password. Save. 2 Press the reset button on the side of the...
Have you selected a machine profile in the grbl settings tab? I vaguely remember all of my inputs as showing triggered when I first hooked it...
The second option in the drop down does exactly what you want. Raises Z to clearance height (using machine coordinates). Moves to WORK X0Y0....
^^^^ THIS ^^^^^ I've had to explain this several times in the last week.
Can you connect to the WebUI on the BB?
You can use your mouse to move the image. Scroll wheel to zoom in and out Click and hold scroll wheel to rotate Click and hold left mouse button...
I went through all of this earlier today. Here's what works for me. 1 Go into grbl settings and set SSID and Password. Save. 2 Press the reset...
Ran into this today. Thank you for opening an issue on github. Very helpful.
Also, for a sanity check, did you pick a machine profile in the grbl settings tab? It could be that your machine doesnt have the correct settings.
They should be fairly easy to move by hand. If not follow this thread: Lead screw into nut block, really too tight to even turn by hand
Does the machine move freely by hand with the blackbox not connected? If so, double check your wiring: docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils...
Dont worry about the COM numbers. Select whichever COM port that your blackbox is connected to. If you installed the drivers the name will start...
Replace <xoffset>, <yoffset> and <zoffset> with your measurements. example This line G10 P0 L20 Z<zoffset> ; Set Z` + zoffset + ` where ` +...
As Andy said, yes.... But they are also used in calculating how far the machine will look for homing switches.
Sounds like your z limit switch isnt working anymore. You can test is by going into the troubleshooting tab. Manually trigger the z limit switch...
What about Z? You dont mention calibrating Z here or in your other thread and that's where the issue is. You can use the existing probe files...
The probe routine on the interface is set for a 9mm plate thickness. That gouge looks to be more than .035mm. You probably should calibrate...
Forgot to mention that you should go through calibration first. Then worry about max travel and homing.
Set up the Homing Cycle Make sure max travel distance are correct for $130, $131, $132. Read up on grbl settings: grbl/ at master ยท...