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I don't think you're seeing individual steps - The feedrate *looks* very slow and it seems the tool is 'grabbing' at the work, then waiting for...
It looks like your Z zero is set *below* the surface. See what happens when you set it correctly.
The GCode you posted will cut multiple passes of ~0.05" each to a total cut depth of 0.5", with Z zero at the top of the stock. Given that the...
TTL is 5V. Do you mean this schematic? [ATTACH] If so, it converts a logic level signal on PD14 to a low side drive signal on P2 pin2....
To set travel limits, the machine needs to 'know' where it is. For it to know where it is, it needs to be 'homed'. For it to be homed, it needs...
You didn't say which method you were using: If you're trying to make two 'book matched' pieces to sandwich together (and then machine away the...
What method are you trying to use? [Edit to try and clarify: Are you milling pockets and pieces to fit in them, or are you doing a 'V' carve and...
There are online 3D viewers if that's what you want - e.g. ncViewer NC Viewer // GCode Viewer and Machine Simulator
And your X dimension is out? Sounds like it could be a discrepancy between actual stock dimensions and the ones assumed for CAM.
Around which axis are you rotating the stock ? (X or Y?)
Potentially annoying suggestion: Make sure that there aren't any windows updates pending install - IME this can cause weird networking problems.
What flavour of GRBL have you installed? (GRBL HAL, FluidNC, GRBL_ESP32, other?) What is the WiFi operating mode of the controller set to? Have...
It is exactly the same with GRBL - this is what people are referring to as homing. It uses the same switches (or sensors) for homing and for limit...
Make sure that it is set to 'disabled' (and don't forget to save the change). If it was 'enabled' it could cause the torch to switch off at slow...
What is the value of your $32 setting? (Laser mode) If it is enabled (1) set it to disabled (0).
Have a look at bCNC - it has a surface probing routine built in, and can auto-level to a probed surface. GitHub - vlachoudis/bCNC: GRBL CNC...
Could be that a cable or connector in the stepper wiring is getting stressed at the home position and losing contact - I'm also in the 'it's a...
I think F360 GRBL Post Processor does that - nothing to do with homing. I just remember to lift the bit up before starting the program. (I'm...
It *is* a huge learning curve, but the capability of the software is mind-boggling. FWIW, I think the 'Mechanical Advantage' videos on Youtube...
Are you clicking 'Save to Firmware' button (top left) after you made the changes?