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Yes, used v-Carve plug in....loved CamBam..BUT...I spent an hour or two with VCarve and fell for it! It does SO MUCH more than CamBam, but with a...
Opinions ar sought, but I believe I just found out what happens when the TinyG over heats! Did not seem like I was loading it up, but it ran the...
Me too!!!! (pulley set screws)...I spent hours with what seemed like different issues only to find out the tiny pully screws had loosened! I...
I used CamBam to draw the sign and Chilipeppr to send to TinyG...
I am a long way from being finished mith my Ox clone...but I made this today, the first finished part with no issues! I will start a build thread...
Went with a is loud though!!! I saw a video of a cut being made with one of those spindles and I couldnt hear anything but the wood...
I solved the riddle of the circles not being round! After much learning about arcs, looking at all of my TinyG settings, and other...
Doing some more testing, cannot cut a round circle...I have attached the TinyG settings as well as the GCode. Thanks JT, but if it was losing...
I ran the code through several viewsers, including CutView, everything looks okay, does that mean soemthing going wrong/wrong settings on/in the...
Issue 2 Same setup as above...looks like it skipped a couple of lines on the second cut, and it shaved the top of C down for no apparent...
I am using CamBam for GCode, and Chilipeppr with a shown in the pictures, the router did some unexpected you can see, that...
Ha! Dont know why I typed negative Z! I used positive....but, come to find out, not an elegant solution, as if I have several operations on teh...
Looking for opinions on whether I should get a Bosch or Dewalt router, or a quiet cut spindle? Spindle is cheaper, I already have a Big Bosch in a...
Yes, using the spacer a breif spat of "know-it-all-ness", I did not slot the z axis plate mounting holes (that attach to the ends of...
Thanks Joe...I ended up adding G1 Z-0.5 G1 X10 Y10 Gets the spindle out of the way!
May have figured this one out...Probably the way to go is to use your CAM software...I use CAMBAM, and there is a MOP (machine operation) footer...
Using tinyG and there a way to make chilipeppr move the router out of the way when a job finishes? I could manually edit each...
What am I missing? Trying to line up the nut plate on the Z axis and it is not aligned, looks like the wheel need an extra spacer, but I cannot...
Only have the Z axis plates left to build...will start a build thread soon... [ATTACH]
put the partial X in just so I could get some 2D movement! This thing is gonna be awesome! [MEDIA]