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if you open a OBC file in CONTROL ( a CAM workspace file) it will send you back to CAM
CAM accepts CAD files CONTROL is where you load (Grbl compatible) GCODE
Added to the todo, thanks, good suggestion X or Y direction Surfacing · Issue #375 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL
See my earlier post. Click on through we host a mirror of the old installers Its Index of /mirror/sketchup (mac and windows)
Not at all. Can use the old free Sketchup Make 2017 (See resources menu above for a download link) with...
Not something we dug into yet, so possible that it won't work yes
At this time CONTROL is still using our old Macro (not using grblHALs macros yet) Getting started with Javascript Macros in CONTROL / Library of...
Sketchup Make 2017 (Last free version) Solids out of sketchup is unlikely, not sure if fusion can do some kind of cleanup
Possibly Max Rate set a little high - seek and jog moves moves at Max Rate. Calibration wizard moves at a low set feedrate Grbl v1.1...
Only in Sketchup format (builds menu above > openbuilds machines category. Each machine has a Build. Each Build has a Files and Drawings tab where...
Not quite, all our machines are still based off our modular parts catalog, all our machines has for the last 6-7 years been running on our...
And please if you do get round to doing it, please do a writeup here on the forum (:
You do want the spindle body earthed (for protection, CPC/Mains Earth) Shields are trickier - but do research - usually only connected on one...
That's a new one :) You mean BlackBox X32? Hardware updates are not that often, but there was an update to OpenBuilds CONTROL (the name of our...
Also review earthing and shielding of that cable, even with distance, it can still be a huge broadcast antenna for electromagnetic interference :)
Use the lead 1515 profile and shorten the 1000mm axis you have by 500mm (x or y whichever is shorter)
CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab. If its one of our machines, select machine from list > save and reset when prompted If its a custom machine, you've...
That's incorrect Grbl Settings. You somehow changed/wiped your Grbl Settings. Load your backup you took when it was all working well from Grbl...