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Title bar text only gets updated when you load a "file" - surface jobs arent really files, so purely cosmetic that the old filename sticks around...
That one cannot do 4-axes work. Might want to consider upgrading Can only be used for rotary lathe work using Vectric's wrapping feature (Unplug...
docs:blackbox-x32:install-windows-selective-suspend [OpenBuilds Documentation]
What controller are you using? BlackBox X32, BlackBox 4X?
GotoZero in Machine coordinates (G53 G0 Z0) via terminal - which was does it go Are you homing upwards? Does it otherwise jog correctly (Z+ =...
1) Flash your BlackBox X32 (Needs the X32) via CONTROL > Wizards and tools > Firmware Flashing tool > Machine Style > 4 Axis 2) Connect 3) Setup...
Very outdated, should be on Post 1.0.42 OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor/OpenbuildsFusion360PostGrbl.cps at...
Grbl Settings looks correct To move motors you only need correct Grbl Settings, and then the next thing: 24V DC Power. Make sure you have power...
Sweet, sorry I didn't mention it earlier - because firmware update is in the docs, its an expected setup step, assumed it was already done :) Glad...
Might be best then to contact the original author of the design? Sorry you didn't mention you already know its name, so figured pointing you in...
Click on your image to open it full screen, right click and search with Google lens or whichever reverse image search tool your browser provides...
Gcode looks correct, do you maybe have a VFD spindle? If so, could be EMI causing serial corruption: docs:blackbox-x32:faq-emi [OpenBuilds...
Firmware up to date? docs:blackbox-x32:firmware [OpenBuilds Documentation] CONTROL is v1.0.388. Firmware has a 2024xxxxxx format. The reset...
Sounds like you accidentally changed Grbl Settings back to firmware default (incorrectly Inverted probe input and motors enable likely others too)...
Only once off fix your CAM posts to include it (: Most of our Post Processors do include it, check your gcode
Correct, because:
It has Tabs, just "not on curves" as mentioned. Seeing your part now (wasnt included earlier) plenty of straight sections on the arms so will be...
Was not required, but could be done with the old 4X. Not relevant to X32 anymore (IoT's Tool Enable and Laser's PWM now seperate outputs) All...
1) Make sure machine jogs correctly (Same as arrows on buttons) (If not correct in $3 Direction Invert - remember to Save and Reset) 2) Then use...
We love using the bluetape method, no tabs needed and pieces stay perfectly secure: docs:tips:ca-glue [OpenBuilds Documentation] Otherwise, Tabs -...