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I was gifted a chinese diode laser, and I have been playing with it over the past week....They are really cool, but I have a lot to learn! My CNC...
Andy, Like I said before we copied Sam’s build. We usually run 1/4” bit at 100”/min in mdf and plywood; usually with about 40-50% of the bit width...
I currently have a cnc router that I am going to attach a diode laser to. The z axis moves up and down with nema23s and is controlled with the...
Hey modu. I followed sam’s build and basically copied it exactly. The only big difference was I use a computer connected to black box controller...
Hello all and thanks for input. Are the adjustable diode lasers much easier/better to use than a fixed beam laser? Do you adjust the fixed lasers...
Sam, the one that you bought and the ones you suggest have the PWM (adjustable output power to do grayscale engravings) that Peter is talking...
Are there some (laser diodes) that are relatively inexpensive that you recommend?
I was wondering if the laser like you have could burn a photographed image into wood. So, you are saying that the laser will, but your controller...
So, where do you find the Grbl parameters? I am using fusion to create tool paths and the openbuild post processing grbl. Would I find the...
Does the feed control in the Open Builds control increase the feed to 200%? Timing mine doing the same operation, I can hardly tell the...
Sam, I think I may have to copy this too.... what thickness wood will that laser cut through? Will it engrave into metals?
That is awesome! You're going to have to forgive my stupidity again, because I have questions. What exactly does the air assist do? and why do...
Very impressive. What kind of laser did you get? Is it difficult to change between it and the router. This is really interesting!
Ok. Why does the power setting not need to be set "too high"?
Hey Sam. Hope everything is going well. I'm still enjoying learning with the cnc. I'm just curious why you decided to go with belt driven x and...
Hello all. I have a question regarding the amperage adjustment on the blackbox and the current nema 23s I am using. I copied Sam's build for my...
yikes.. Murphys law. it couldnt have done that on a 5 minute project. hate that for you Sam.
Ok, and I assume you don't have to do this once limit switches are installed because the machine will travel until the limit switches tell it it...
So, you have to reset the "machine home" position each time the power goes out?
So, if I am understanding to correct... If I jog over to the position I want set as "machine home" and turn the black box off then back on the...