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Over the pond here in the uk all domestic electric supplys are 220-240v @ 50hz, 230v is the norm and 3 phase is 415v (not found in homes that...
puntoMX +1 the design look very top heavy with the gantry with the spindle ect it's going to stress the carriers and getting the steppers to drive...
24v supply is the better option as it supply's the motors with a higher voltage and current than 12V, giving the motors more torque (turning...
I run a Makita RT0700CX4 no point in importing one as you can get them in the uk with uk warranty, correct voltage and no import duty/vat Edit....
it depends if your using metric or imperial ie. 1/4" comes out as 6.35mm what in openbuild speak is a 6mm spacer and a shim look at the v-rail...
Yes there is a bit of whip but so far (with the anti backlash nut ) it doesn't seem to effect the accuracy across the 820mm bed I have on mine
some of them posts look like bots, plenty of solutions including verification(s) I have been mod, super mod, admin and root admin on may forums...
it does with indexing, autodesk are still working on continuous 4th axis and is available in beta mode only as its not a finished feature they say...
How do you have you wired them ? in parallel or serial ? driven from the same channel or run from the Y and 4th channel ? how have you got grbl...
I did post a page or so back the pin chuck i use is a expo/Unimat pin chuck what has 1/4" shank (expo 12806)
1/4 is 6.35mm - most of the world runs on metric but the are still country's on the imperial system, it doesn't bother me tbh as I can work in...
there are lots on autodesk's site, if you run through fusion 360 it does tell what every button and setting does just by holding the mouse over it...
you know what a fillet or chamfer does, a rule fillet allows you to fillet multiple body's/sketches at once sketch out the text, pull/extrude...
Anything over 1-1.2m you need to be looking at 14-16mm lead screws tr8x8 at 1m has a fair bit of whip but it doesn't seem to be loosing any...
Its alive !!! it needs the waste board bolting down in the centre - The DM542 setup had thrown me, grbl set to 200 steps, stepper is 200 steps the...
+1 for NYC CNC, once you get the knack of 360 it flows and you can knock out models quickly, the cam is highly advanced My latest model uses...
it was designed with the xpro v2 grbl board - this is a cnc controller not to be confused with 3d printer controllers (ramps 1.4 etc,) people...
xxl lcd display is the same device iirc the u8glib, you need to add this to the IDE library otherwise you will not be able to compile Marlin...
funny enough I have only just ordered a set of engraving bits - I want to try some image engraving, photo vcarve is big money tho I also have a 3...
End mills and engraving bits are in 1/8 (there metric sizes in the UK and most of Europe - 3.175mm) 1/8 wood bits are hard to find and very pricey...