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tweak the feed rates on the xpro - it makes a vast difference to the sound level - you can almost get it to sing #cncmusic
I have been following this with interest, it makes sense for the items I want to produce in the future sooo....... ordered the parts and have...
I have outputted .nc files from fusion 360 due to some g codes, grbl doesn't like it neither does openscan, no issues with outputs from sketchucam...
what cad/cam program are you using ? try one of my test .cnc files
UGS if you jog the table with the buttons what sort of movement do you get (make sure its set to MM first as it defaults to inches)
Is that by the physical microstep jumper on the board ?
I'm not a ox user but have the c beam, there are various threads on here with the info you require, I had the same issue - I had forgot to set the...
have you setup the xpro and configured the settings using the command tab in UGS ??
no issue with openbuilds had stuff come from the US to The UK in 7 days TBH I think you would of been better to call them or sent a pm on here to...
I selected all and then did a blrepair and phlatten (24 lines repaired)- reselected the cuts and it seems to have done it
I have been following him for a few years on youtube - he seem to have a passion for what he does - I got a nice piece of hardwood to mill I have...
I started with a simple project, simple shapes, I have worked on 2d vectors for many years doing vinyl, so its all logical
thanks for that, I see it a few weeks ago but couldn't find it again nearest thing to cad I have done is corel draw / photoshop its been a steep...
It was free to hobbyist, only version that is free is educational one unless its been hidden, there are so many cad/cam programs out there, the...
To change the setting in uni G code sender go into the command tab and use the $ command say you want to change the value of $102 all you type is...
only issue with the larger routers is weight on the Z axis and 1/2" bits are mainly are wood bits where end mills are 1/8 (3mm) and 1/4 (6mm)...
universal gcode sender works well and is java based no need for a internet connection
yes I have used the OB Mount, I made a split collar up out of some 3" x 3/8 wall stock tube and turned it down on the lathe so it had a shoulder...
the Makita rt0700cx2 fits the bill nicely and is 65mm toolstop had the best deal for me with free next day delivery...
Do your lead screws move properly to the end of the travel ?? it looks a well packaged kit