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I had not seen that, but it's pretty much what I had in mind. I'd like to keep as many parts in sync with the C-Bot for reuse. my initial idea...
Appreciate it. I have a idea for what I am going to do. Think I am going to put together a derivative of the C-Bot, already have a name for it,...
For me it is. I don't get a lot of jobs, but the ones that come through are really interesting and challenging. For the last one I had to modify...
Warping issues are partially first layer issues. I just finished up a customer job that was a long narrow and tall print. These are really prone...
Yeah, looking over the stuff some more, I believe we were looking at both, to move the discussion as well as the files. github makes sense for...
Right on, I would agree. I'd be up for setting up whatever we want. It's not my day job, but I've done enough of it for various teams /...
It's all good man. :) Yep the 4 relays are separate from each other. So in theory there shouldn't be any issues. BUT here again, I wouldn't mix...
WARNING - IANAEE, I am not an electrical engineer. :) Below is my opinion only. I'm familiar with this relay, I am going to use it for my HVAC...
That depends on the Current / Voltage limits of the relay primarily. There are definitely relays out there that can do it. My concern would be...
@wackocrash5150 - Not sure I follow what you are trying to control via the relay? Do you mean mains power to the whole printer? @TechGirl -...
Are you running the 4 pin LED lights? If so, I can share my gcode for controlling them via Marlin pin control.
@wackocrash5150 - This does seem like a good idea. Definitely keep that as an option if I go the modified C-Bot route. @Spiffcow - Good call - I...
Ok, I'm building another C-Bot.... Need to go bigger. I know some of you have already and so I'm looking for feedback. My current setup does 30cm...
Silly question - Are you using EEPROM? Have you cleared it out? Updated and saved new settings into it? I know it's possible to drive a RAMPS /...
30-40mm/s, nothing too crazy. Sorry folks for not getting the generator updated. Been jammed up 24/7.... Will update when it's ready. :)
I run from 3-5mm depending on the filament. PLA - 3 PETG - 4-5. That said, I think I can go lower on both, probably .5 - 1mm. Retraction speed...
FWIW - I GPL'd the generator and any of the supporting libraries I wrote for it. I choose it so others can benefit from my work and feel free to...
Hey man, don't sweat it. Folks wouldn't help if they didn't want to, we all were there once and still are many times and me personally, I enjoy...
Thanks guys, appreciate the support? :) On a side note, anyone near minnesota with a spare e3d v6 heatbreak? Broke mine and have a big 3dHubs job...
K, yeah I need to get off my butt and add the direct drive to the generator..... :)