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If you think that's clean, you should check out the wiring diagram.
I've been having pretty good stability and accuracy printing as small as 0.1mm. The 8mm lead screws seem to work fine. I'm not sure if anyone is...
Wow, I had no idea people were making diy sla printers but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'll probably make a Vslot based delta next
It only took me about six months but I finally finished it. Now to decide which printer to build next. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Edit: More pictures here...
Definitely lots of pages to parse through. I wonder if it is possible to find a belt just long enough to link the two lead screws together...
I think @CapnBry did what you are talking about C-Bot | Page 29 | OpenBuilds I'm also interested in making the switch; one less motor to buy,...
Here is what I used
I didn't know they made the same tubing unsplit, it seems to make it more flexible and it was much easier to put all of the wiring in sideways...
It's a corrugated split tube, it is firmly clamped at both ends but it has good flexibility as the head moves anywhere on the bed. [ATTACH]
Here's one possible way to do the X endstop wiring. The wires feeding it just run with the bowden tube. [ATTACH]
Running the heated bed via SSR and just using Q3 to control the SSR gives me much more confidence in using a plain cheap Ramps board. I wouldn't...
Yep. Why have I never seen this on a printer? Is it too good to be true? It seems like a perfect fit for the Cbot, or maybe a diy flex3drive clone...
I just meant putting a long flexible rotating shaft on the extruder motor so it could push the filament at the same place that a direct drive...
Has anyone ever experimented with running a flexible motor shaft cable similar to what is used on some dremel tools like this for a direct drive...
Keep in mind that if you are changing out hot ends/thermistors for various prints you would have to redo your PID tuning each time as it is...
The bolt is just loose enough that I can just twist it by hand to fine tune the Z height near Z=0. The threadless part of the bolt also prevents...
Here is what the Z endstop bolt holder looks like on the Dbot variant. You could just make it the default since is has the same functionality as...
I thought of this printer when you mentioned a non-moving bed Maximus 3D Printer | OpenBuilds You could look into a concrete printer, the kind...
Can you post your calculations for step calibration?
There's always a risk of overtightening, which is probably what I did also. Seems like a mistake everyone needs to make once or twice to learn...