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I want to build this printer and will like to know if anyone on the forum can help? I have the frame ready but I need help in figuring out the...
Connection is as follows: [ATTACH]
I got the spindle to work as it should. It seems you will need a relay module for this. With the relay connected as NO, you can switch the spindle...
NeeqOne submitted a new resource: "All" Questions on Chinese Spindle & VFD Setup Answered - Thread with questions on setting up and...
Huanyang Chinese Spindle, VFD settings and manual here! This is a link to a thread on with questions on the Chinese Spindle & VFD...
I will definitely do that after work.
I just bought an arduino mega. Moreover, I am using the same connection you have in your first post. I am using the same spindle as you. Speed...
Have you seen this post on reddit: r/hobbycnc - Using 2.2kw spindle VFD with GRBL?
I am not using Arduino Uno, but I believe you need to connect the spindle enable pin to the VFD.
Preparing to install T-tracks. [ATTACH]
I connected a 1K remote potentiometer, with the VFD 10v to one leg of the pot, VI to the Wiper Center leg and other leg to ACM. I was able to...
I recently bought a couple of your sensors. How do I get to buy the mounts?
I have been able to get grbl to turn my spindle on and off. However, the spindle runs at the maximum rpm. Issuing the command S8000 has no effect...
This machine was built in an attempt to get myself familiar with CNC and machining parts for a custom water cooled PC I am putting together. I...
I sleeved all the cables with the exception of the one for the spindle. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
First engraving test went well. Initially, the text was inverted. I had to change $3 in the configuration to fix it. I will play with the maker a...
Hook the other y-axis motor to the A-axis.
I just sent G91 G0 X30 and G91 G0 Y30 and measured the distance travel in both direction and they were 30mm. I need to find a way to calibrate...
As you can see from the build picture, there are cables everywhere. I want to get the machine running and use it to mill parts for my enclosure....
NeeqOne published a new build: My first attempt at building a CNC. I chose the Sphinx due to ease of build and extensive documentation provided...