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Perhaps any talented can do this tool? Couldn't find the dl link... Cubify 3D Printing Fans & Fun: New User Printable Tools for Cube 3 Owners/Users
Plan a structured kickstarter and I'll gladly back it :P If hundreds or thousands are required I'm sure word will spread way faster. Btw, have...
But what is web demo? They tried to make a gui via web browser?
web demo?
I'd like to use the recently opensourced CAD files for the SAV mobo and adapt it to the Cube MOBO size and resemblance of placement of the main...
cube3 specs=mobo size and placement of connectors
Do any of you have expertise in taking CAD diagrams of an opensource board and reorganize it to fit CUbe3 specs? Willing to pay for the job.
U didnt taste the power of the mighty Sinclair ZX81 48k Spectrum? :D I still own it in working condition haha Beahre of the HIGH RES GRAPHIC!...
I actually got amazing prints with stock cube3, but their software is CRAP, specially the supports part. Also, feeding with premium cheaper...
So when is that patch coming out?! :)
Am I wrong?!
So many parameters aside build size need tweakening imho....
Cant wait!! :D
U mean this one? Google Groups
WoHooo!Awesome news indeed! ;) Cheers all1
" provide better prints" rotfflol