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Okay. So far current knob on the y-axis all the way down seems to not trigger the fault.
I turned it on again today and saw the error light. Every time I restart, it goes away - so I am having trouble reproducing the error in order to...
You are right. The light came on. I am going to try and go through the list documented by your link. I suppose adjusting the current and looking...
An update on this. I may be powering everything up in the wrong order or something. I did notice that I logged onto my computer from sleeping...
Forgot to mention this - yes tested all and they work fine.
I think that a fault indicator was on in the past. I think I remember it being lit up on y2, I wasn't concerned about it because I did not have a...
I am unsure - the machine is at home and I will check today in the PM. As I was connecting my limit switches I was unsure about their wiring -...
Just starting this build. The original machine is a Denford 1000 Compact. It was gifted to me beause it was in unkown condition. I decided to go...
I have a retrofited mill that has limit switches and one y axis motor that drives the bed. When I start up the machine and home it for the first...
Ah - yea wouldn't that be nice to have. Your explanation is clear. I will definitely be checking out the macro - but I think I should get my...
Yeah this is why I was interested in the first place. If it would actually account for the change of depth. I figured it could see the first step...
Yea both great suggestions. I think I will start setting my z zero at the bed
Thanks, I am now realizing how spoiled I have been only working on a machine that has a tool length measure.
I am running a cut that is going to surface a piece two 10th of an inch and then do some v carving. If I run my XYZ probe with my quarter inch...
Okay, that all makes sense and is helpful. Thank you. I think if I'm going to enable soft limits in the machine will need to know the length of...
On my machine the bed moves for the y axis. I believe the machine should still be set up as all movememnts relative to the spindle. So -x is...
Nailed it. Working now. Now I have to figure out how to change the direction of the motors the x jogs correctly but the y and z are inverted....
I will try this. I don't know what it means.
Nothing I can see. Also I used a multimeter to find the pairs but I don't know what is+ and what is -.
Thanks - makes sense for the sake of an e stop killing all power. Well I have it all hooked up but am just getting a little bit of clicking when...