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I did use that post. How do I check the g53?
Help.. I Im just trying to draw the attached pic with a marker on my home brew using openbuilds control and a black box. Im using f360 to...
Is there a site that shows how to really use ob control? Im using soft limits currently. i want my home position to be top left with my z to be...
Im trying to install this and i do not have an assets area..
my gantry plates are steel. I really didnt want to make a target... which is really no big deal if i need to.
will it work with the direction i want to mount it also? or will i have to have a target coming towards the face of it?
Can someone tell me if this type of prox would work with the BB? Also can someone tell me if you mount a prox like this? see the attached pic....
you can manually type in the settings in ob control you dont have pick a certain machine. EX i have 1605 ball screw so i used the calculations...
rack and pinion.. but if you are wanting to use ball screw, make the screw stationary and drive the nut to rotate. This will also eliminate whip.
Thanks that worked... Along with auto updates was turned off on the computer and hasn't been updated in 3+ years..
When i plug my BB into my computer its not recognized. In OB control when i click connect it doesnt. Any help please. Other usb devices work. I...
Thanks for the info Sorry when i said voltage. i guess i meant adjusting the screws for the amperage (if needed). Do i need to adjust both the y...
Hello all.. Im new to the cnc world. I have my machine mostly built not onto mounting the motors/setting them up. Im using a bb and have...
Im in the planning stages of my own home brew machine. I have started to purchase the components, but have yet to do electronics. Im pushing...