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How's everything going Pat? I hope you have a nice holiday. Take care.
Yes I spoke with him prior to ordering the setup. The sensors operate at 3 to 6 VDC but he offers different arrangements for the breakout board. I...
That's a good idea. If or when my res pump dies, I could definitely rig something up! Thanks.
What is this fine adjustment you're speaking of? I saw your video about adding slots to the y axis plates for tram adjustment in one direction but...
These sensor brackets span 80mm across the cbeams and bolt right through the vslot. i'm currently trying to figure out a solution for the magnets....
Working on mounting brackets for the sensors. I'm really excited about this because there is no need for physical contact between the sensor and...
Oh pat in case you're wondering why the X axis is 503mm and not 500mm is because each side of the gantry has a 1.5mm gap to allow for movement.
As long as your spindle & bit can completely clear your workspace you should be good. Are you using a router?
Sure no problem Pat. My X axis cbeam is 503mm and my Z axis is 270mm. The original Sphinx plans call for a 250mm cbeam for the Z but really this...
Limit sensors arrived today, a day early!! Very nice little setup. 12ft cables pre-crimped with RJ45 connectors for the breakout board. The...
Yeah the wheel covers are mostly a WIP but I just didn't want to go the route of attaching a piece of plastic the length of the y axis. Currently...
I'm really just trying to "tighten up" my machine so I don't have to worry about all these other factors when running a job
That piece of aluminum in my last post is for some long strips to cover the side of the Y axis Cbeams. They seem to really load up with chips and...
Yeah actually that would probably work very well. Plus I wouldn't be rubbing two pieces of aluminum together. Great idea Pat, thank you.
Future plan is to implement linear rails somehow but I haven't figured it out yet[ATTACH]
The end caps are fairly loose fit too and can be adjusted up and down a little.
The covers slip over the wheel bolts but those bolts also need room for adjustment of the eccentric spacers. These are also a fairly loose fit so...
I got some new Ebay items to play with too Ball ball end, 1/16" flat and some 90 degree engraving bits. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
Thanks Pat! I'm really enjoying working with this HDPE. It's a blast.
I've already bent a couple of my limit switch arms on accident plus the mating surface usually ends up with chips and sawdust caked on so who...