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Hello All - I'll be starting the electronics build for my CNC Router soon, Yay!!! Any suggestions on where I should look in purchasing one? I'm...
Windows 10 it is! :thumbsup: Thanks for the advise.
How about Windows 7...I have a copy thats available and this version, at least with my experience, is quite stable (never had a fault with it)....
Great Info Thanks again for the clarification. I'm off to play with the mini CNC now :D
Hey, I'm thinking of having a dedicated PC for my up and coming CNC Router build. Any particular version of Windows most compatible with OB...
Thanks abunch for the info. I'll be playing with the above shortly. One more question on G0 command. In the above examples could you, for...
Hello All - I have a small form factor CNC Router and don't have limit switches installed. I move each axis to a designated spot, (its home...
Yup, I agree. I have no intensions to do more than two layers :thumbsup:...Thanks again! Tony
Thanks for the response... Alex, you mention 'a cut down version' what do you mean? My goal is to draw up schematic and print them, maybe in the...
Hello, I'm about to hop into the electronics portion of my CNC router... Any suggestions on schematic capture software? I'm using Fusion360 for...
Shawn / Peter Thanks for the response...Exactly what I'm looking for :thumbsup:
Hello All - The stepper motors I've received from OB have a pin connector on each wire then connected into the black connectors for...
Never heard of 'rubber toughened CA glue'...I'll look into it and give it a try. Thanks abunch for the info!! :thumbsup:
I'll look into the marine grade aluminum epoxies. I plan on placing two CBeams back to back to form 80x80 extrusions. If they are not stiff...
Unfortunately, I don't have nor have access to a 3d Printer...Next project after completing my Large CNC router :thumbsup: Thanks for the info
Hello All, Been wondering if there's a great/strong way to bond extrusion together. Ofcoarse drilling some holes through and screwing them...
Hello All, Im looking into ER11 Collets. Any suggestions on which company/brand to go with? Im currently using a Chinese spindle, bought Techniks...
Hello All, Im seriously thinking of making one of the Cool modular tables. Here's my question: in the outside corner configuration could you use...
Thanks abunch for the clarification on MCS/WCS! :thumbsup:
Hello all, Thanks for all the help suggestions! Unfortunately I'm having slight mis-understanding on ''WCS" and "MCS"...thought they were the...