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MG Not Blaming steppers, Just want to find a good solution. Using a small cutter to pierce material. Using a vac table and spiral compression...
Any Results yet? Looking for a good servo solution as I am sick of making scrap
Lees 76 I printed a shoe that seems to work ok. I have different attachments that I change depending on job. All mounted using magnets [ATTACH]
Jestah Getting better results now thanks to your advice. Circles are nearly there, just a slight over cut in X on both sides. Hopefully this...
Jestah 95% of my routing is straight cut all way through material. I have a home made vaccuum table to hold the part down. At opposite corner...
Jestah All very good advice - Thanks I am roughing out and then finishing this with a 1 mm finish pass. Leading in I am using angles 30deg...
Jestah Many thanks - I will try your settings. I am no good at Black Magic and there are to many variables, I need to cut down on what systems...
Jetsah Could you post a pic of what settings you have in general config on mach 3. Still getting some "wavy" issues!! Is distance mode IJ mode...
Gary - Thanks for that. Just been reading your build, some great ideas in there! Could you take a picture of what works for you in Mach 3 -...
Gary No noise from the cutter - smooth, it is a surprise when I take the board out and clear the cuts that I see this finish. with the dual belt -...
Gary Dual belts yes - glued no I did read an article saying that there was no need to glue As to the DOC - 3.4mm 3 passes in MDF Finish full depth
Gary Thanks for the reply Yes Dual belt. Wheels I have tightened until I cannot spin them easily. Here is an example - The curves are good...
I seem to have quite a few issues creating circular cuts and diagonal cuts - wavy lines created not smooth. I am convinced this is down to belt...
PC Starting slow is normally the best way. Do be careful though. The most efficient use of cutters depends on fulfilling their Chip rate. The...
At that spindle Speed do not go much faster in mm/min. Running the 3mm cutter at 24000rpm, any slower than 3600mm/min would burn the mdf
Nice first cut I too am using Mach3 with ESS, Just double belting now. I manage 3mm depth cuts (3.175 Spiral up/down compression bit) @3600mm...
Matt - I am intending to double belt - what advantages have you seen? Marcus
Ahhh I just tried that and the belt broke where the nip up screw had been:) Have ordered some more belt that I was going to double up - will have...