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I Have solved the problem with the Z axis not homing the design of the head prevented the switch triggering moving the switch solved the problem....
Yes I changed to provide 24volts. I am going to methodically go through it today and try and find why its not working
I will check my wiring tomorrow and document the set-up and forward it to you
$5=7 didn't fix it. It just showed all switches triggered. The pull up amount entered ie, 10,20,30 just raised the Z axis by that amount
$5=7 fixed that now i get an alarm 8 telling me to alter pull-up distance but whatever value i use seems to make no difference. Setting was 5...
Thanks I will try that
This is the switch I am using I followed the pinout info ton the blackbox black is trigger right side of the connector brown centre pin and blue...
Current configuration attached
The limit switches are located looking at the front of the machine Left rear X Left rear Y. Going towards the limit switches X moves positive ie...
I have just tried the buttons in troubleshooting the buttons show they have been clicked by the mouse but nothing happens. On the Home Invert I...
That's one of the problems I have In the troubleshooting Tab I click with the mouse on the switches but nothing happens they just stay Green. I...
I am having trouble with the Homing cycle. Z axis first to home goes to the end stop without triggering the proximity switch. No alarm shown on...
Z works fine it just doesn't calibrate using the wizard i enter the value that is supposed to correct it for 50mm when I check its only moved 34mm
Thanks Guys sorted it $5=0 like you said. Now sorting the calibration of the Axis X and Y calibrate with the wizard Z doesn't want to play ball....
I have a problem with the X limit showing triggered. Initially I had all three axis triggered. So after searching the forum I found $5 was...
Thankyou i will try it and see
I am completely new to this, so I apologise in advance. I have installed the software and upgraded the firmware. When I switch on and connect...
I am trying to connect the CNC Touch Interface to the Blackbox 32 The items with the unit are a small jumper to connect to the PCB and a USB the...
I am about to connect these switches to my Blackbox X32 controller. Section 3.4.3 highlights a jumper that needs moving I do not appear to have...