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Yes I do, I put that in the comments. Sorry, didn't know it was the same people, I thought this was a user forum and just thought maybe someone...
I have been using openbuilds software since I bought my x32 black box a year ago. I have a mach 3 license but almost never use it. It has been...
Ok, thanks. Obviously my issue is with the machine itself as the probe works correctly when the spindle is unplugged. I will look further into the...
ok so test results as follows. LED's on probe plate on full bright all the time with clip hooked to collet unless harness is unplugged from...
oh, sorry. I thought you were gone for the weekend so I shut it all down. Sort of. So now that I have my spindle grounded properly, the LED's on...
Ok so another update: I moved the AC input ground to the spindle ground. Now the plate's green lights are on all the time, but dim, with clip...
$6 = ENABLE. it used to be disable I think but was one of the things I changed when I read another post on this forum for exact same error code....
not sure. I was running a file, then there was a loud pop and the spindle stopped and would not restart. I took it apart and could find nothing...
enjoy your weekend and thanks for the help
Sorry, just read your reply after I started. Update is: with spindle connector removed from spindle, the probe worked. So does that mean the vfd...
I am not trying to argue, I am trying to understand. As a mechanic for 40 years I understand DC voltage very well. However, my understanding is...
The PSU does not power the VFD, it has its own plug. The PSU is the original to the workbee when I bought it and is definitely wired correctly. As...
So I just removed the AC ground from the VFD and reran the probe without an AC ground and got the exact same result
will the black box run the spindle so I can eliminate the VFD all together?
I would not even know how to check for a short but everything on the machine and control of the machine works correctly
Does my reply not show up? I posted it 45 min ago. Recently sent a video showing what the probe does
This is what it does
Firmware was updated upon last attempt to get probe working. The machine style it says to use, "2/3 axes, dual Y with touch probe", does not come...
Hello and good morning. Finally with all Christmas projects finished and delivered and after a much needed rest, I can finally address my xyz probe. I...
Ya, sorry. Just really busy right now and thought it would be something simple. Thanks for trying to help!