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That looks rather like the Workbee design in principle. I don't know where you would buy those plates, but the design is freely available in...
Couldn't see in your pic - what are the connections on that power supply - show the legend above the connectors if you can. Alex.
I assume you mean offset of Z? - in Fusion I believe you can set a negative value for stock to leave which would have the desired effect. Alex.
Bedtime here (UK), and I'm busy tomorrow, but it sounds as though you have got it sorted? I'll certainly have a look on Monday if no one else has...
If you post the file here (Fusion file - archive file in Fusion EXPORT - it's the default option in export) one of us can have a look at it. When...
You don't need the machine profile in Fusion cam. You don't need Openbuilds Cam now you have Fusion 360 cam - Openbuilds Cam is (intentionally)...
The relay is a switch - the outputs are not connected to the controller power supply - the contacts need to be part of an external circuit. Alex.
Have you got a sketch or cad design of what you are trying to achieve? Alignment and registration are the issues with a job like this. Alex.
I use this as a starting point ( Speeds and feeds) - I tend to use a low speed on my RoutER11 - I have the 220V version so my bottom speed is 13 K...
If you have adjusted the eccentrics as I said, and the movement is still in the wheels it could be that the bearings in the wheels and/or the...
docs:tips:router11-rpm-table [OpenBuilds Documentation] For a 1"bit you need the lowest speed your router11 will do. Alex.
Don't use the eccentrics to tighten up a loose gantry. Adjust the eccentrics (with the motors powered on) until you can just turn a wheel with...
What model of amb spindle? Does it need a 0~10 Volt analogue input to control the speed? If so start by reading the link below, but we need to...
I only had to re-align my Y gantries twice in four years - once when a stepper cable failed and once after a crash (don't ask - we all do stupid...
Can you please post a pic of your cnc shield showing the version number as clearly as possible. It might say protoneer on it, but that doesn't...
As @sharmstr said, or ask the parts store if they will do it for you. Alex.
Don't forget to turn the power off before changing any wiring.
I'm not a mac person, but your symptoms sound remarkably like those caused by energy saving features in Windows - could something on your computer...
As @sharmstr said, but I also noticed that your X and Y max are really high. Alex.
You shouldn't use silicone oil or lithium grease - the correct lubricant for leadscrews is DRY silicone or ptfe spray. Anything sticky traps dust,...