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You may need to customize a post, I don't know of a Vectric post that supports A yet (wrapping was more for X/Y wrapping) - but might be better to...
Access denied means port already open in some other application (conflict) like EaselDriver. One allowed at a time. Close conflicting applications
Have you tried connecting yet? CONTROL will work with any standard grbl/grblHAL based controller. So unless it runs 3rd party/proprietary firmware...
That's part of why we never got round to it either. Messing with gcode in realtime is really really hard. You got to break up long moves and arcs...
If it was one of those far east XL4005s they often fail in the worst way. Letting full input supply voltage out the other end. Hook it up to psu...
Use the Troubleshooting tab to test and logs of a probe attempt for us to review. Possibly an Earth to DC GND short via a spindle body, if probe...
CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > $3 Direction Invert > Flip the Z Axis switch the other from where its now. Save and Reset when prompted
If your Z axis is reversed, correct it in Grbl Settings. Z+ should raise the tool off the stock, Z- should bring it toward the stock.
Thanks. Please contact the store via Support > New ticket for further assistance
Please post a Grbl Settings backup for review
And Tensioning system, thinner endplates etc. Else will have issues with whip.
Double check that on the far end of any extensions too (So measure A+ to A- across the extension's one leg, through coil, out the other extension...
Motors never go bad. Its always wiring. If joints look good, on a older machine cables can have breaks inside insulation (constant back and forth...
Yes as mentioned and later
Click connect, watch log scrolling by (Or send $I): 20240402 is latest included in CONTROL (For even newer you can use grblHAL Web Builder but...
What the docs says: docs:blackbox-x32:connect-npn-inductive [OpenBuilds Documentation] (They needs power, they are active devices, which needs...
1) order some from Xtension Limit Switch Kit 2) Wire as per docs:blackbox-x32:connect-xtension-limit [OpenBuilds Documentation] 3) install at max...
Thanks, reported to dev team
Did you remember to load a machine profile? CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Select machine from the list (CUSTOM is an option) > Save and Reset...
Are you running their controller?