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Any way to use the existing probeJogWindow in another dialog? I can get it to appear and works except for it ignores preventDefault. So when you...
Also, did you look at the gcode file?
They changed the way the post works in V11. So if you upgrade and you were using the OB post that OB has posted in the resources before, you need...
Have you checked your motor shaft couplers? If one is loose then the gantry will get out of alignment. One move isnt so bad. But multiple moves...
Wiring issue. Probably a loose wire: Check out the troubleshooting section here: docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation]
You dont need to remove the motor, but disconnect the wires or risk frying your driver. Your frame isnt square then. I have a similar issue and...
It could be a few things. Lets start with "home function". I'm assuming here you mean the "Home All" button. If so, it sounds like your machine...
Your machine isn't square. Here's loads of topics on the subject: =32"]Search Results for Query: squaring the gantry | OpenBuilds
I feel like we've had this convo before but couldnt find it. Is there a reason we allow closing of the probe dialog when the overlay is clicked...
Move Stop button before Run button. Limited testing done but seems to work great. $( "#stopBtn" ).remove(); var moveStopBtn = '<button...
Peter will have to make a final decision on that, but based on past experience, I dont think that will make for a popular change. You can...
I just remembered, youtube search winston moy and nyccnc. Winston has cut a lot of aluminum parts using a machine similar to openbuilds machines....
Yes. Use this post: docs:software:fusion360 [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Alex put this up in the resources. Speeds and feeds
Did you calibrate the output voltage? docs:blackbox:connect-vfd [OpenBuilds Documentation]
If I understand it correctly, the led works off the ground and V+ wires. So, check for a loose signal wire. docs:xyzprobe:wiringtoblackbox.png...
Make sure the magnet is on the flat part of the collet nut and not the bit.
In OpenBuilds Control, click on tool on, the click coolant on. Not sure if you can do this from easel. Need to see the error message in order to...
Its says the speed range is 16,000 to 27,000 so its probably the same as the DWP611: docs:tips:dewalt-rpm-table [OpenBuilds Documentation]...
You dont have to disassemble. You need to disconnect the motor wires from the controller. If you dont, there's a high possibility that you will...