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If no one can help you here, post a message or search the vectric forums for and older grbl post processor. Even if you find one, there's no...
Its helpful to know what controller you have and what OS you are using. However, you can try the troubleshooting steps here, even if you dont...
Click on the troubleshooting tab, then application diagnostics, then unchecl disable DRO
Click on the probe button. Those are already there. (tabs on the top are the different probe routines)
How to add a javascript macro Go to Macros tab Click ADD Click the Javascript tab, paste this code into the text box. Give it a name and an icon...
click on continuous jog. hold down a jog key and it moves until you release.
Javascript macros in the meantime
OB Control, OB CAM and the post processors are all housed on github. Not here on the forums. :) It allows us to easily share code and have...
There's no fancy UI for multiple work offsets, but all you need to do is type the offset you want to change to in the serial console.
The kit has 1680mm 20x60 (see the parts list OpenBuilds Table Series). If you want to buy that size outside of the table kits, you can email them.
OpenBuilds LEAD CNC Machine 1515 (60' x 60') | 3D Warehouse
Ah, ok. I saw it selected in his screenshot so wasnt initially sure if that's why the simulation wasnt showing up. I'll go back to not knowing...
Excellent. But can you actually direct transfer to Control? I dont have the Pro version so I cant test and it would be nice to know for future...
Also, I dont have experience with this, but can you actually "output direct to machine" from Vcarve to Control?
In your first post you have mm selected in vetric for the post processor. :)
Almost done. Need to test on the machine later.
You'll want to do it for all axis once your machine is together. Should be one of the very first things you do.
Its in the grbl settings. If you're using OB Control, go into the Wizards menu and run calibration wizard.
If you're not a javacript programmer, I can help. I've been working on a bunch of UI tweaks for myself. You'll see one of them in the link that...
Mine is. I know others are as well. In the probe wizard screen, click on probe type and change to custom. Then click on the gear icon to...