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Here you go. [ATTACH] I used the drop in t-nuts linked above with these 8mm screws: Low Profile Screws M5 (10 Pack) You'll need to clearance...
Of course. I'll do it once I get into the shop.
Thank you. You can close this one as well: Dont zero out current position at beginning of probe routine · Issue #165 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL
Drop in t-nuts are available. They come in handy for sure. Drop In Tee Nuts I saw a guy on FB who drilled 3/8" holes on each end so he could...
It took me a while to figure out why you are doing the text in AI and not fusion... So, yes, looks fine.
The reason the number 3 isnt cutting all the way through is because there isnt enough space for the end mill to get in there. You can see the top...
@Alex Chambers might be able to assist here since he's running at duet.
Attach your fusion file please
Here's a previous answer Hdpe feeds speeds
For future members with the same issue... You need to pick a toolpath first, then click on the text.
You can't select it in the mfg space unless you are assigning a tool path to it.
I'm slightly embarrassed to admit the my version of the e-stop is me hovering my finger over the Y limit switch... which happens to be next to a...
You can use your phone to control OB Control: [IMG] Or, the just release Interface:INTERFACE CNC Touch Controller For an e-stop, it can be as...
Be sure to measure your probe plate. Should be 9mm but mine was slightly bigger than that. If I remember correctly its 9.4mm which is why I use...
Merry Christmas, Alex!
You need to generate valid grbl based gcode. Try starting out with the hello world example using ob cam. docs:blackbox:hello-world [OpenBuilds...
in the probe wizard pop up, change the probe type by clicking on it. From there you can change the thickness (offset)
Why is $0 so big? Shouldn't it be around 10?
FTDI drivers Virtual COM Port Drivers
No. Just found the link by searching this forum :)