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Beg your pardon they are rated at 3a. 2nm and above at 4.5a Or do you mean 2.5a per channel, I won't lie, this is where I get a bit confused, I...
2.5amp for nema 17's is ok, but I'm surprised your running nema 23's that low. You need 4.5 even for the 1.5nm versions really.,-50V-CNC-Microstepping-CW5045 running them at 100khz :)
Are you using toshiba chipped drivers? I had same issue, turned out to be the drivers not outputing enough amps. Apparently they use pull up...
I use two 240v filters. One filter mounted on z axis as close to the spindle as possible. that will send the noise to an earth connected directly...
They don't have heatsinks? Suprised they work at all! Are they toshiba chips?
Yes lets hope so :) I have heard that even a solid 90mm gantry will vibrate and even flex!! so i said to this person about the lattice...
Joseph is that the x or the z? looks like you have 10 v wheels there.. whats the cost of those? around £4 each for the hardened version here, i...
I'm actually in the process of having some 90mm thick aluminum y gantrys with internal triangular comb reinforcement cast that have a similar...
Check out I've priced up a 2600x1500 version of this using 90x90 profiles at £3100 with...
No I'm afraid I dont. Problem is vibration aswel as flex and this design with the y profiles un supported over that distance, doesn't take a lot...
Bolt, weld glue it, still won't be enough over 1500 for routing, I know this because I have one. Really it needs another twin set of profiles...
When it comes to Cnc electronics and stepper drivers, avoid Chinese. Go for either European or British. I learnt the hard way. I also learnt that...
Pi bot do a. Grbl kit with 4.5a drivers for 165 dollars, which isn't bad for what you get, a bob, 4 drivers, screen and controller. I use thier...
Lol..That's my real name :) Infact thats a license that came with the last board I purchased. That for some odd reason wouldn't run without it....
[IMG] Pins monitor :) Also has update plugin button :)
[IMG] 1031 input functions in total!
[IMG] Neat connection with lpt lead
Right, at first glance, I am very, pleased with both boards. Some of the things I like: Motion controller: Uc300 Auto installer package...
What the difference between this an an ox