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The homing direction should be wherever you put your limit switches Everyone does it differently, but there's a good number of us who home in...
All the wizard does is set the values in $100, $101 and $102. You can calibrate yourself easily: [MEDIA]
Assuming the entire plate is conductive, you can position it where you want. In the link, there is a link to ooznest documentation. Scroll...
I have instructions here: Personally I prefer to have it...
When you assembled the machine, did you notice if was harder to thread the Y2 screw through the nut block? There have been multiple reports of...
T commands are tool changes. T1 is tool 1. Other Codes M5 is already in the footer. +--------------------------------------------------- +...
Bits and Bits Company. They have all different size and length 1/8" bits with 1/4" shanks. Even have one with a 1" LOC. I think they have a 10%...
You need to switch your axis directions. My guess is that when you jog X+ its moving to the left and not the right. Also that when you jog Y+...
Have you verified the voltage coming out of the Tool Head connection on the BB? Are you getting 10V when you run M3 S24000?
Use GRBL mm You'll probably have to remove the tool call (T1). You can either edit the gcode file every time, or see here to modify the post...
I dont have Aspire, but I do have vCarve desktop. I've started a thread that shows how to modify the post processor. I dont know if Aspire is...
The feeds, doc and woc look okay to me. Tool marks are to be expected with adaptive toolpaths (ALWAYS!). You should always leave about .010" to...
Double Z motors. Interesting!
Install the FTDI Drivers: Virtual COM Port Drivers
No problem. We're here for your next snag when you need us. LOL
"Numbers all look good and she runs without incident... for now " So we are done here?
In your first post you said " but scaled up and with a marker to plot it this time". Do you mean that you made the gear logo bigger? As in too...
Dont worry about matching settings. You need the set the machine based on how the motors are wired. In a perfect world, the motor wire colors in...
Watch the jogging and axis movement in this video starting at 12:26 [MEDIA]
Assuming your are standing in front of the machine. X+ move to the right. Y+ moves away from you. Z+ moves up. Assuming homing position is in...