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I cant answer that. But will the nuts fit inside the c-beam? If not, you'll have to run them on the outside which would be more work.
How have you wired the switches? Normally open or normally closed? Lets see your grbl settings as well.
Good idea. But if i remember correctly, the holes on the plate are too close together so you'd end up hitting the 1/2" threads in the block....
No, they dont. Go back to my build and you'll see how i lined up and the drill guide i made.
In the build video below, you'll see that the Workbee uses two nut blocks on the Y for the same reason. If you look closely, you'll see the oval...
Sure. The mounting holes for them are enlongated so you can adjust the spacing between them. When they start to wear, you can just spread them...
Honestly, I'm not sure about the cnc sheild, but maybe it needs Step Enable Invert set to disabled. You can try going into the settings tab,...
Here's a video on how to install and set the grub screw: [MEDIA]
Sorry no. Peter suggested Chilipeppr or CNC.js OpenBuilds CONTROL Software
Techincally the ones I used aren't anti-backlash but pair them up and they work great.
Strange. I ran a 2.5 hour job today in 95 degree heat with a fanless mini pc that only has 4gb of RAM. Not a single problem except for running...
You do have them on your x and y already. The double nut blocks take up the backlash
Wait until they are on the machine. Here's further info: BlackBox
I dont doubt it but would be very grateful. I've spent the week trying to decide if I should build my own or get a crap one off of ebay and...
Sorry about the confusion. I forget that OB Control makes the settings "user friendly".
Connect with OB control. Click on the Settings tab. Verify that $4 is set to 1. If not, set it to 1 and click save.
Not really ones that have killed the box. Common mistakes have been not setting $4=1 in grbl and setting the power supply to the wrong power...
24V Here's the doc on setting motor current: OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation
OHHHHHH. Sorry for the wrong info Blake. I wasnt aware of that. Normally, as I mentioned in our chat its modal. But as I also said in our...
The connectors (on the controller side) come with it: OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation