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EMI causing serial corruption (corrupted response from controller appears to have an A axis, GUI adds it as it should) docs:blackbox-x32:faq-emi...
If the fan isnt spinning you arent providing 24v power. Check PSU, check PSU wiring, Check all switches (115/230v, PSU switch, BlackBox Switch,...
I think you nailed it! Thanks for the legwork, that was not quite obvious but if you take the timeline into account it makes sense. The lw parser...
Sadly not. You'd have to order a new BlackBox. Sorry about your mishap. If the damage popped all the through to the USB it fried everything along...
Run it off a local web server (http:// not file://) http-server or apache / nginx / anything thats quick to spin up
With the LED indicator indicating they are enabled, the only other reason then would be power (does the fan inside BlackBox spin?) or motor wiring a
Inductives cannot be wired for Y2/Z on one port. Not without additional electronics. They aren't a "switch" so don't work well in series/parallel.
I will look into it during the work week, but that basic parser has been in use for so long I don't even remember all the interactions. No...
Did you remember to load a machine profile? CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Select a machine from the list. Save and reset when prompted Profiles...
That's up to an up close inspection. Its remote (short usually release the magic smoke, a brownout can sometimes corrupt eeprom but it tends to...
Accidental click of Reset buttons on Grbl Settings tab? Or a wiring short that caused an eeprom corruption?
Agreed. Drivers is a once of thing. Installed and done.
Per screenshot you are way behind on Post v1.0.30 Should be on 1.0.42 OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor/OpenbuildsFusion360PostGrbl.cps at...
Its still alarmed. Clear the alarm. Then check your Grbl Settings.
So, by that you are confirming you are actually running into a switch? Not a random error, but an actual Limit hit?
Well, the Hard limit error specifically means, a limit switch was hit. Thus the question It either does (incorrect options in post but unlikely...
Sounds more like EMI docs:blackbox-x32:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation] that is, unless the machine actually does run into the limit switch?
Not specifically, but if in doubt just use 96dpi (Pending the future update where we can maybe ask you what DPI its at.) for the export from...
Your SVGs seem to have no metadata to satisfy the editor field, so its handled as File: forum-thread-144159-file1.svg was created in 'unknown'...
It actually does. Wouldn't ask if it doesn't. If you clicked the code reference provided, you might notice the parser heavily relies on that...