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Try a Windows PC to rule out Hardware?
Wizards and tools > Calibration to fine tune your steps per mm - provided its mechanically tight, true and trammed.
Then refer earlier advice: Flip the offending axis (looks like its flipped on Y) So, what about jogging Y? Does Y+ move the Toolhead to the...
[ATTACH] Looks correct to me.
1) Make sure you installed the correct driver: docs:blackbox-x32:install-drivers [OpenBuilds Documentation] 2) Make sure your Mac isn't blocking...
Did you follow the specific steps for the Mac in the driver's Release notes (In the same zip you downloaded where the DMG is)? [ATTACH] Try a...
Calibration menu under Wizards and Tools menu
Any known miswirings, incorrect PSUs, incorrect type of Plasma etc? (If known best to declare - otherwise we chase the other causes - but the...
CAD/CAM would look wrong in the preview. But post files for review
Test by jogging. Jog X+ > did toolhead move right? If not. Correct $3 in Grbl Settings Same for Y etc
Rotation or Mirror? (Title says one, post says another) Mirrored is simpler (Grbl Settings tab > $3 Direction Invert > Flip switch for offending...
That would typically not be covered under warranty. But the 4X might have aged out of warranty already. Havent been for sale in a while
That indicates the BlackBox's 0-10v output became damaged. Any earlier miswirings or perhaps a faulty VFD that backfed the output?
Log outputs would be helpful. But probably EMI or a wiring issue (the resetting sounds almost more like a short somewhere between V+ and GND...
That's a controller dependant question then The probe is just a switch. The question is What does the Macro for your new CONTROLLER need to look...
Boxes usually doesn't help much (cables do most of the radiating)
Yes, EMI from the VFD. Rewire VFD properly (earthed VFD and spindle body, and spindle cable properly shielded)
Just make sure your controllers input for the probe signal matches. Putting 24v power on probe but wiring it to a 3.3v controller would be bad (:...
3.3v to 24v yes. LEDs will just be brighter on 24v
Post a Grbl Settings backup for review. And are you measuring same with VFD disconnected as well?