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You need to adjust your motors steps/mm. Its referred to as steps calibration. If you're using OpenBuilds Control, there are wizards for this in...
i have 1000mm/min for $25 and 100mm/min for $24. I also have $26 set to 250ms (might as well check that while you are at it) Edit: I have been...
That's exactly what it should do. The idea is that you can "search" for the switch at a higher feed rate (setting $25, great when you need to...
They worked perfectly. :)
Got it. I didnt want to mount it to the machine, but just wanted an easy way to mount it. I have a handful of those brackets laying around....
What's your homing switch pull-off distance set to? Is it enough to actually clear the switch? ($27).
It would be awesome if the powercase had provisions for mounting. Something similar to how the BlackBox does it.
Go to "releases" and download a previous release. Heres a link to .166 OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL
I got off my lazy butt and went out to the machine to get my macro for you. This one probes the lower left corner of the stock with a 1/4"...
Attach your code in a text file. And I'll tell you what the issue is. I'd share mine, but I'm not near the machine. Edit: Forgot to mention...
Here you go OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL
Click the down arrow next to the Z dro and select probe Z. You get a dialog box where you can input your plate thickness.
Added: Additional key binding options · Issue #78 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL @Boonew @David the swarfer
It doesnt matter. I prefer to have mine in lower left because that's how mill is. I dont want to have to remember what machine I'm on. Others...
Here's a good explanation on how to check your pairs from @Metalguru C-Beam Machine XLarge If you're certain that the wiring is correct, please...
Sounds like a wiring issue. Double check your pairs.
Excellent. Sorry it took me forever to remember that I had that weird no update issue a few years ago. LOL.
Older versions of grbl used pin 12. Starting with grbl v0.9, the PWM pin moved to pin 11. Pin 13 is for spindle direction. Its all in the wiki:...
OB Control on RPi isnt supported. There are instructions on how to compile it in the wiki, however, these no longer work starting with version...
Someone asked before: BlackBox