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According to $23 all your switches are at Axis Maximas - is that where they are on the machine? Full Grbl Setting backup would be easier to review...
It does show the Machine Coordinates But in your screenshot, either you didn't home, or homing isn't setup up correctly ($23 Homing Dir, Max...
Give it a while to settle in and then re-adjust the wheels. Otherwise, loosen the fixed (non eccentric) side a little, nudge those wheels inward...
Checkout docs:blackbox-x32:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation] With VFDs properly earthing the VFD and shielded cable between VFD and Spindle are...
Or stepper drivers to weak Probably running little stepstick drivers?
OpenBuilds is an organisation (: In CONTROL no, its just a gcode sender. Your origin is set in your CAM workflow. Where the gcode tells us it is,...
Tip : post some example pictures / napkin sketches of what you want to do. Would clarify and avoid confusion if included from the beginning
Ok so as a test, lower X axis acceleration and max rate to half current values and test probing. It is was 3rd party motors our profile would be...
Not wifi control, just wifi upload of gcode. docs:interface:wifi-upload [OpenBuilds Documentation] Only the X32 (grblhal on a 32 bit...
Note the section about a loose wire. Not the ordering. That article covers both. Note the presence of your symptoms in the very first section of...
What about this question?
See docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Normally spindle controller allow setting up Min RPM. But those cheapie DC motors with a collet on them, might not have the required feature....
I count 9 :) total green flashes in our video (and his) Even if it was, it doesn't mean too much to me, before we fix the stalling. But I'll...
The video clearly shows some kind of skip or miss or stall (at 38 sec), loooooong before we get the calculation step. Focus on the very clear...
Sounded like a stalling motor there when it had to center on X. Stayed off to the side there. Max Rate / Acceleration tuned too high? Negative...
By that question, I guess we can assume you haven't read the required reading yet? Grbl v1.1 Configuration
$100=133333.000 ; X-axis steps per millimeter $101=133333.000 ; Y-axis steps per millimeter Probably that. Way to high - those numbers...
Cool, awaiting your grbl settings backup for review