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Custom pinmap compile then, Y2 is envisioned as spare in stock pinmap.
Would be odd if it is, endstops are very simple, but sure, please do check in with the store via Support > New Ticket
Correct, depending on the machine itself. If one motor needs reversing, then yes swop a pair
CONTROL > Wizards and Tools > Firmware flashing tool > i'd say try the 4th axis firmware first, most tangential CAMs would expect the rotary tool...
How was it wired up? (Pictures preferably for review) Did you perform the adjustment before or after connecting VFD (as advised in our docs?)...
If you plug the working Z switch into X and Y respectively as a test? Ps on wiring, couple stripped a little far back, exposed conductors are an...
Grbl Settings backup for review and pictures of wiring please
Probably something like untuned Max Rate or Acceleration causing stalling during travel moves
Should be $5=7 for Normally Open Switches.... Use our provided Profiles please (CONTROL > GRBL SETTINGS TAB > SELECT MACHINE FROM THE LIST > SAVE...
Probably not Polyline or not DFX R14 docs:software:file-errors [OpenBuilds Documentation] Or move in CAD then reimport (built in move is a little...
1) use a grblhal based controller 2) make sure telnet is enabled 3) telnet available on default port trying to use a 3rd party controller is "at...
After you do Wizard > Firmware flashing tool > X32 > 4th axes All done stuff. Just go for it
Then you need the X32. No need for concern, some of our machines parallel 3x motors on one driver (eg the 3x NEMA23 Z-Motors on the Triple-Z...
" Brian002, 30 minutes ago Last edited: 8 minutes ago " Avoid editing after someone replied (: We don't get notications when you edit....
You put the stock diameter in CAM. The cam calculates "degrees" (steps per deg/mm interchangable as shown in the link I shared) to move to...
Your CAM essentially uses mm as degree. See Post #26 in LEAD Lathe Or grab the newer BlackBox X32, that runs on the newer grblHAL and has proper...
Edit the macros to view the source and copy/paste the relevant gcode/js to a text file to use to recreate them.
Check in the Wizards and Tools menu Could be EMI: docs:blackbox-x32:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Is that wired up at the moment (or why post the old stepper drivers?) The [spam] vendor that made that machine uses notoriously high inductance...
Make sure to set your probe dimensions under Probe type > Custom > Gear icon on the Wizard (bottom)