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I tried to calibrate number of steps using the fine-tune tool but I don't know exactly the size of ball screws in my CNC router. The ball screws...
I use sandpaper and files to clean up the projects.
Where can I get more info on G54-G59 work coordinate offsets and G28/30 positions? The gnea/grbl page doesn't have info on those commands.
If I turn off my computer and CNC router at the end of the day and turn them on in the morning, GRBL Panel Control doesn't remember the settings....
Disable all power saving features. Go to Windows Settings, Power and Sleep, Additional Power Settings, Change Plan Settings, Change Advanced Power...
Hooking Up External Drivers to the CNC xPRO V3
You don't have to replace the board but you'll have to solder some wires or headers to the board.
You'll need external motor drivers shown at DQ542MA Stepper Motor Driver
AutoCAD and 3DS MAX can export 3D models to STL files.
Is the USB port loose on the board?
Disable all power saving features, especially on USB ports.
I have 3D printer with Simplify software and CNC router with GRBL Panel. Both machines are connected to USB ports. Is it possible to run two...
I have an Acer 2-in-1 notebook with Windows 10 and touchscreen that may be suitable for running CNC machine and software but be sure to disable...
Lower the current by turning the knobs anti-clockwise on the board.
Use "Gbrl (mm)(*.gcode)" post processor
I'm a little confused. You said to wire the normally open side between the psu and the motors and the normally closed side to the reset pin on the...
I didn't know that I have to click on "down arrow" on the "Go to Zero XYZ" button which displays the GRBL code for moving the router to 0,0,0...
I thought that "Go to Zero XYZ" button move the router to Zero XYZ if the router is not at Zero XYZ. Let's say that I find out that the router is...
I think that the "Go to Zero XYZ" button doesn't work after homing my CNC router, using "Set Zero XYZ", and moving the router to X10, Y10 and...
wojak, do you have drawings or files for the plates?