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The grooves are caused by the bit moving up and down while staying in one place.
I saw a 5-axis CNC machine on "Car S.O.S." TV show. It was used to clean up intake and exhaust ports on cylinder heads. Watch Car SOS | Disney+...
Instead of bringing the Z Axis C-Beam down, put some boards on the table to bring the work piece up to the bit.
How can I write starting and ending scripts that do these: Starting Script Home all axis Lower the build platform 10 mm Turn on cooling fan...
On the Sainsmart Coreception printer, I found the problem and fixed it. On the X-Axis gantry, there is a screw that is under the linear rail. I...
Please help me find wiring diagram for the printer. I need to find the wires going from X limit switch on the board to where the wires are...
I need to "fake" home, set XYZ zero, and save XYZ zero. I think that the printer is missing X-Axis limit switch. If I try to home the machine, the...
The SainSmart Coreception CoreXY 3D Printer has the top and bottom "frames" already assembled. All I have to do to assemble the vertical beams to...
I stole a heated build platform from another PowerSpec 3D Pro that had bad hotheads and it worked. I looked at RailCore II but stores don't have...
Use Serial Console.
I'm thinking about buying SainSmart Coreception CoreXY 3D Printer.
I know that people here build 3D printers but my PowerSpec 3D Pro 2 printer broke down due to bad heated build platform. I'm looking for a new 3D...
After watching the video above and another video at [MEDIA] , it almost worked but the Z-Axis isn't still perfectly trammed to the MDF board but...
After getting the Whiteside 1" CNC Spoilboard Surfacing bit, I ran the Surfacing Wizard in OpenBuild Control and found out that the bit isn't...
Go to "Troubleshooting" tab, touch the magnet and the plate together and the "Probe" light should change colors. If so, put the magnet on the...
Did you set Z zero before starting the job?
Check the wire going into the terminal that attaches to the magnet holder. I have the "puck" touch plate and the wire going into the clip broke...
What if the magnet isn't electrically conductive?
Put a thin flat screwdriver in the space between two bearings and push one out.
Go to "Job Setup" and see if the "Use Offset" is checked or not.